Michaux State Forest/TMA7B Wild Turkey Task Force meeting minutes

October 3, 2000, at the Michaux State Forest District Office

Don Heckman called the Michaux State Forest/TMA7B Wild Turkey Task Force meeting to order at 7:14 p.m. on Tuesday, October 3, 2000. Introductions were completed, sixteen people were present for the meeting. Don reviewed the purpose of the wild turkey task force meeting, and the March 28, 2000 minutes were reviewed.

Michaux State Forest - Phil Varndell

Turkey brood reports by Bureau of Forestry for 2000 - 30 broods sighted - based on the process Bureau of Forestry follows.

Previous counts: 1999 - 46 1998 - 29

Phil noted August was low count of broods, survival rate into August appears to be a problem.

Reviewed hard mast, soft mast, insect disease, and game species on the State Forest. Mast Crop forecast report distributed for review and questions.

Habitat: 7 herbaceous openings and 5 spots were mowed.

PGC LM Sup will not be able to work cooperative efforts on mowing herbaceous openings.

Action item:

Submit NWTF green sheet request to mow 40 herbaceous openings requested by Bureau of Forestry, must be submitted by January 8, 2003, Phil and Mary Jo will work on definition, Dwight will submit.

Tree protectors have been put on trees.

Habitat field day set for October 15, 8 am to 1 pm, with Local Chapters assisting to improve herbaceous openings habitat, trees and shrubs.

Scrub oak is regenerating on the Michaux State Forest, Phil showed examples of scrub oak, being a desirable wildlife food supply.


Phil mentioned the American Chestnut Foundation is distributing for planting a blight resistant chestnut variety, will help to increase the American Chestnut lost many years ago.

ATV trails - only 2 possible trail areas, will not increase availability of ATV trails in Michaux State Forest


Pennsylvania Game Commission - Mary Jo Casalena

Mary Jo reviewed the TMA7B Research Study report, MSF Summer sighting surveys and TMA7B harvest. Handouts were provided and distributed for information and questions.

Hens without poults thus far, higher average than normal this summer due to the rainy weather conditions two weeks after the spring hatch. Second hatch of transmitted hens was poor.

First hatch occurred during the last week of May. Second hatch was not monitored but appeared to be low.

Mary Jo reviewed the research project study, hens with transmitters and nesting and hatching figures, and some hen mortality results, I do not have the mortality figures in my notes.

50 transmitted hens

32 went to nest

19 hatched

Turkey harvest based on game take survey, [as I recorded the numbers]

Spring 2000 - 24 Fall 2000 -

Spring 1999 - 23 Fall 1999 - 36

Spring 1998 - 21 Fall 1998 - 60

Spring 1997 - Fall 1997 - 53

Spring 1996 - 46

Turkey Trapping Demonstration at Upper Adams Fish and Game on Sunday, Sept. 24, 2000 was a success. To plan on next year, decided to do the demonstration program again, distribute posters to the area Clubs and insert a program description in the Local Chapter Newsletters.


Review TMA7B Fall 2000 Turkey Research Study update, October 3, 2000

36 hens fitted with transmitters from last winter

11 hens fitted with transmitters this fall

47 hens have transmitters with 8 of these hens juveniles

Winter trapping in 2003 will begin after the flintlock season is over.

WCO comments:

Radio frequency bands starting to get in sync

Texas Eastern pipelines possibility for habitat projects and funding

PFBC offered services anyway they can help Forest Rangers or WCO's

DCNR - Forest Rangers down to 2 till end of November - 3 positions vacant

Keeping Teaberry Road closed as recommended by the TMA7B Wild Turkey Task Force.

Suggested to keep Piney Mountain Ridge Road closed till August 1st.

Don thanked everyone for attended the task force meeting and for continuing their participation in helping to resolve the issues on TMA7B.

Meeting adjourned at 10:15 pm.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, April 3, 2003, 7 pm.

Don Heckman


Minutes and meeting attendees
Key Observations
Action Items
Agenda for April 3, 2003

Copyright © 2003 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation Last modified: November 20, 2003