Michaux State Forest / TMA7B Wild Turkey Task Force updated 3/08/01
Key observations and research data presented at several task force meetings, as compiled and reviewed from March 1997 to present meetings:
TMA 7B, Michaux State Forest, wild turkey hens hatch their young one week earlier
than in TMA 7A or surrounding state forest’s to the north and west.
TMA 7B was established in 1995 with a 1 week fall season. Fall 1996 turkey season
harvest reports indicate a 31% decline. 19 fall turkey harvest report cards for
TMA 7B turned into PGC during fall 1996, 17 report cards for 1997, and
19 report cards for 1998.
TMA 7A had a 3 week fall season, and TMA 7B had a one week fall season.1997,
1998, 1999 will continue the same fall season one week season, part of the PGC
3 year data gathering period.
Michaux State Forest and TMA 7B has a lower than average fall harvest trend
compared to other TMA’s .
TMA’s with a closed fall season show a 20% growth rate in spring harvest.
1987-1988 turkey flocks numbered appx. 80 on the Michaux State Forest, with the
peak period being 1985-1989.
1996 turkey brood count survey indicates 10 plus brood count on the Michaux State Forest.
Michaux State Forest has average wildlife habitat for wild turkeys. Increase the number of herbaceous openings on Michaux State Forest.
Michaux State Forest has experienced several spring seasons during the last 15 years
where the rainfall is higher than normal.
Michaux State Forest has a very high number of roads and trails open during critical spring months.
Enforcement of State Forest regulations on road use needs to be increased.
ATV usage is very high on the state forest road network.
Certain state forest roads and trails need to be closed to motorized traffic during critical spring months.
Enforcement of PGC game laws against illegal killing or poaching of wild turkeys needs to be increased.
PGC Research project being started in Sept. 1999 to study morality, morality causes,
recruitment and population. Project will run 2 ˝ years.
Raccoon rabies cases have decreases over last 8 years, while raccoon populations have increased.
Michaux State Forest / TMA7B Wild Turkey Task Force updated 3/08/01
Spring and summer 1999 was a good to excellent spring brooding period with dryer than normal spring conditions and dry summer weather.
Spring 2000 was a poor spring hatching period, with very wet conditions during the hatch.
Continued excellent habitat projects on herbaceous openings throughout the State Forest.
The Michaux State Forest’s 85,000 acres is a vast tract of timber with very few herbaceous openings. The State Forest District has a goal of one, 3-5 acre herbaceous opening per 100 acres of forest, which is 3-5% of the forest acreage. Variety of trees, brush, berry bushes abound on the state forest. Habitat management plan is to create more herbaceous openings in the future and to use NWTF Super Fund dollars to help with seedling plantings and variety of grasses sown on closed logging roads, log landings, and old forest roads.
Michaux State Forest / TMA7B Wild Turkey Task Force updated 3/08/01
Action item list and progress status:
WCO’s talking to NWTF local chapters, local sportsmen clubs, and recreational users – on going.
WCO’s and DCNR staff working closer together - increase cooperative efforts habitat work and law enforcement activities – on going.
Closing fall season 1997, 1998, 1999 – don’t need to do so, in lieu of research project.
Closing state forest roads, create walk in areas for hunting, keep pressure off young birds – in progress, Bureau of Forestry has designated certain roads for closing.
Trap and Transfer of wild turkeys justified after fall season closure, and no improvement in wild turkey population counts in TMA 7B – research project started first, before trap and transfer is used to enhance wild turkey population, trap and transfer method will not be used during the research study project.
Increase use of NWTF Super Fund dollars, habitat projects, buy mowers, land management and wildlife management projects - on the ground projects will increase by local chapters, Michaux Yellow Breeches nursery providing trees and shrubs for
Transplanting, NWTF Johnny Appleseed program provides 50 crabapple seedlings,
- on going.
Improve the habitat quality of trees and shrubs - herbaceous openings on the state forest land - Bureau of Forestry identifying and creating herbaceous openings, - several new openings have been proposed – on going..
Improve cooperative efforts between the PGC and NWTF local chapters in Adams, Cumberland and Franklin counties – on going.
Increased hunter awareness and education on fall seasons, on closed seasons, effect of brochure on turkey management – on going.
Utilize Forest Rangers for law enforcement, awareness, and education - Bureau of Forestry hired Forest Rangers for the Michaux State Forest – on going.
Fact sheet developed on the issues and the task force for educational purposes, PGC printed brochure for distribution by PGC, DCNR BOF, and NWTF Chapters; Where Are The South Mountain Turkeys brochure – completed, printed and distributed.
News release to be distributed about the task force - create and distribute a news release about the efforts of the Task Force - scheduled for April 1999, completed and distributed June 1999.
Research funding alternatives, and the NWTF Grant-In-Aid research project funding - PGC developing a research project for 1999-2000, PGC proposed research project not funded by NWTF Technical Committee, Pennsylvania Chapter is contributing $26,500 from the Super Fund for first year of research project – completed August 1999.
14. Pa. State Chapter reward posters to be given to Bureau of Forestry and PGC for use
on TMA 7B – on going.
Michaux State Forest / TMA7B Wild Turkey Task Force updated 3/08/01
Action item list and progress status, cont’d::
15. Weather data collected from Tuscarora and Buchanan State Forests to measure other
state forest weather conditions during late April, May, and early June - completed for
1990 - 1999.
16. Turkey decoy used for law enforcement to be funded through the state Super Fund -
funds have not been approved, issue with PGC law enforcement interruption of decoys and entrapment. Closed at this time, will not be funded from PA Chapter Super Fund.
Pen raised turkey propagators map showing where these sites are located - PGC and Bureau of Forestry have the details on this issue - in progress, need update.
Joint news release on spring gobbler season - part of overall news release on Wild Turkey Task Force. - complete by April 1999, reference #12.
Bureau of Forestry volunteer program "Conservation Volunteer Program" sponsored by the Michaux State Forest, volunteers work on herbaceous openings and adopt an herbaceous opening. Other volunteer programs for wildlife conservation, habitat improvement projects, or a wildlife environment project include the PGC "Volunteers for Wildlife" and DCNR’s "Go Wild" programs - on going.
Predator increase - raccoon sightings are on the increase, rabies cases are on the decrease over the past eight years, Bureau of Forestry has the data since 1984 - need to evaluate raccoon increase – possible hen nesting item for research study.
Summer brood count survey being run by PGC and Bureau of Forestry staff, and Local Chapter volunteers, 6 routes, 30 miles each route, once a week, during June, July, and August - completed August 1999.
22. Communications - increase cooperation efforts toward law enforcement activities
between DCNR, PGC WCO’s, NWTF with regards to communication and transfer
of information on turkey poaching or other unlawful activity -
23. PGC continuing work on second year of research project, Fall 2000 - Winter/Spring
of 2003. Pennsylvania Chapter is contributing $26,500 from the Super Fund for the
second year of the TMA7B research project – completed August 2000.
24. Summer brood count survey being run by PGC and Bureau of Forestry staff, and
Local Chapter volunteers, 6 routes, 30 miles each route, once a week, during June, July, and August, 2000 – completed.
Copyright © 2003 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
Last modified: November 20, 2003