Wild Turkey Management - The major points: |
Revised Wild Turkey Management Plan - completing by January 2007;
Getting the revised wild turkey management plan, 2006-2015, functional, what strategies are being worked on, get fully funded;
Northeast Wild Turkey Population Model - implement in wild turkey management plan - $15,000 invested, status;
Wild Turkey Biologist's white paper to Board of Commissioner's and PGC Staff - status;
Extending spring gobbler season to May 31;
Expanding youth spring hunting to all day;
Expanding youth spring hunting day to more than one day;
Expanding regular spring hunting season to all day;
Continued recommendations to reduce WMU fall season lengths or increase fall season lengths based on in the ground/on the ground better field data and measurements charted in the wild turkey management plan;
Additional second spring gobbler regulation - review-change;
State-wide gobbler leg band research - first year 2006 completed, status of second year project;
When 4 year state-wide gobbler leg band study is completed in 2009, submit research proposal in 2008 and request funding for state-wide hen telemetry study for 4 years;
PGC hunting license increase legislation - how do we continue to support, [old HB 2601];
Turkey Hunting License - position statement, news release - how do we continue to support;
Support Sunday hunting as regulated by PGC [old HB 904], required legislation to change Title 34 Game Law;
Turkey dogs for fall hunting season, providing some direction for Turkey Dogs Association;
Recommendation to remove word " 'mandatory' " from spring gobbler season orange regulation;
Comprehensive PGC wild turkey hunter safety program - NWTF Turkey Hunter Safety DVD;
Turkey hunter safety and ethics - HRSI are declining - what are we doing to promote additional hunter safety programs;
NWTF turkey management outreach programs - Wild Turkey Woodlands, fund HHSF Habitat, Safety Education, Land Acquisition, Habitat programs - seed programs, Johnny Appleseed, Get In The Game;
Pennsylvania Turkey Hunter's Guide designed, funded, and give to every Pennsylvania turkey hunter yearly (use Wisconsin as model).