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Wild Turkey Management - Accomplishments since 1958:
  1. PGC begins full scale wild turkey trap and transfer to repopulate wild turkeys in Pennsylvania
  2. PGC Wild Turkey Biologists Jerry Wunz and Arnie Hayden doing several wild turkey population, habitat, research projects
  3. Spring gobbler season started in 1968 with one week, expanded to two weeks in 1972, three weeks in 1975, four weeks in 1984
  4. Escalating and improving turkey trap and transfer both in-state and out-of-state in the 1970's-1980's-1990's
  5. Closing turkey game farm in 1980
  6. Established turkey management areas [TMA] in 1985
  7. Continuing use of wild turkey in-state trap and transfer
  8. Expanded or reduced fall season lengths 3 times since 1990 to improve wild turkey populations due to bad winters, bad spring hatch, bad recruitment
  9. New turkey hunting blaze orange regulation changes in the early 1990's
  10. Reduced blaze orange regulation changes in 1995
  11. Improving turkey hunting safety portion of PGC HTE course, adding turkey hunting safety questions to HTE test in 2001
  12. Wild turkey transfers into southeast Pennsylvania to complete PGC wild turkey restoration program 2000-2003
  13. Defining and completing TMA 7B wild turkey research project on Michaux State Forest as a requirement from TMA 7B Wild Turkey Task Force, partially funded by PA Chapter NWTF - $82,000. Now called WMU 5A Management Unit - WMU 5A Wild Turkey Task Force
  14. Closing fall turkey hunting seasons in TMA 9A in 2001; WMU 5A, WMU 5B [TMA 9B] in 2003
  15. Northeastern states commissioned development of a regional wildturkey population model in 2001
  16. PGC completes turkey hunter survey to determine hunter attitudes, characteristics, and satisfaction in 2001
  17. Record number of wild turkey in Pennsylvania in 2001, 410,000 estimated state-wide population
  18. Use of manmade blinds to hunt turkeys is legal in 2002
  19. PGC permit required prior to releasing game-farm pen raised turkeys, to help eliminate release of game-farm turkeys
  20. PGC modified blaze orange recommendations in 2002-3003 defeated
  21. Wild turkey management now accomplished using 22 Wildlife Management Units starting 2003
  22. Closed WMU 5A [TMA 7B] to fall turkey hunting in 2003, recommendation from Wild Turkey Task Force
  23. Research continued on WMU 5A to determine turkey usage of herbaceous openings on Michaux State Forest
  24. State-wide second spring gobbler tag in 2006, 8,040 licenses tags sold, legislation passed, governor signed in 2004
  25. State-wide gobbler leg band study in 2006, first year completed of 4 year research project, funded by NWTF
  26. Mentored Youth Hunting Program signed into law turkey hunting starts in 2007 spring gobbler season
March 17, 2025, 11:53 pm
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