Directions to Sam's camp from Jim Panaro

Please be WARNED that if we get any significant snowfall before the meeting it is strongly suggested to come from the Centre Hall side of the mountain from Penn's cave as the road from Mingoville can get pretty hairy even in 4WD!

Please bring a sleeping bag as camp may be a little chilly as you will see by the name of the road to get to camp. I will be carrying in water because they shut off water in winter but we will have stove, refrigerator, microwave, coffeemaker, satellite TV, a bar, etc. ...just no shower. I will probably get there sometime in mid-afternoon to get fire stoked and give Sam a hand getting things ready ... and have an adult beverage or 2 ... around 3:00 PM if anyone wants to join me! The camp sleeps about 20 so we have plenty of room but please let me know who plans to stay so I have an idea how much water to bring. I will have cell phone handy at 814-322-2294 if anyone needs directions.

From the I-80 side of the mountain

Go east on I-80 get off the Bellefonte exit onto Route 220. Turn left onto Zion Road (SR 550) go 3.4 miles to a "T" turn left onto SR 64 go approx 2 miles turn right into Hecla Park this road is just past a ball park on the right. Go 0.8 mile and turn left onto Blue Ball Gap Road, this road is just past the golf course. This is a mountain road that will take you up over a mountain as you go down the other side for 3.5 miles and look for a small green street sign on the right Junior Lane this is the road to our camp. Our camp is the second on this road at the end of the lane.

From I-99

If you are coming from I-99 it is faster take the Route 26 Pleasant Gap exit like you are going to the GOH office and then turn left onto SR 64 and go the same way as above.

From Centre Hall/Penn's Cave side of the mountain

From the intersection of 144/192 in Centre Hall go east on SR 192 for 4.2 miles turn Left onto Blue Ball Gap Road go 1.6 miles Junior Lane will be on the left. Go to the second camp.

The Treasure Map is shown below