Pennsylvania Chapter - National Wild Turkey Federation
What do we need a turkey hunting license for ? I'm going to repeat the Pennsylvania State Chapter position on this issue.
The Pennsylvania State Chapter has been advocating a turkey hunting license for some time with the belief that it would provide a number of benefits to the resource, to resource managers, and to the public that enjoys the resource. These benefits are:
Will provide a mechanism to identify the turkey hunters in Pennsylvania, something the PGC is only able to guess at this time.
Having identified turkey hunters, our resource managers, the PGC, will be able to make better management decisions due to:
- Having more accurate data on the number of hunters participating in the sport.
- Being able to collect more accurate wild turkey harvest data
- Being able to collect data on hunter habits, i.e. counties hunted, days hunted, firearms used, sightings, and kill statistics.
- Being able to solicit input from the turkey hunting public on management practices, season and bag limits proposals, Turkey management Areas, and resource data.
- Being able to target the turkey hunting public with hunting and saftey information.
- Hunting safety messages and wild turkey resource information is a vital source of reducing those turkey hunting accidents.
- Will provide additional revenue which the PGC needs in their Game Fund to mange our wildlife, to improve our land management on Game Lands, and education sportsman.
What can you do to support the Pennsylvania Chapter NWTF on this important proposal. We need you to continue to call the House Game and Fisheries Chairman, Bruce Smith, and other committee Representatives. Tell them you support a reasonable general hunting license increase and you support a proposal with a turkey hunting license. Send a clear message to the committee that you are involved in the sport and support the benefits stated above.
Encourage othe Chapter members to get involved in the legislative process and express their support for the turkey hunting license.
If you have any questions, please contact me, or any officer or board member of the Michaux Yellow Breeches Local Chapter or board member of the Pennslyvania State Chapter.
Don Heckman
For More Information Contact:
Don Heckman
Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
14 Slate Hill Rd. Camp Hill Pa. 17011
Tel: 717-761-5925
FAX: None