Team NWTF Pennsylvania – A wild turkey favorite
“It is incredible that we were the first state to accomplish this goal,”
said Carl Mowry, Pennsylvania NWTF Board of Directors chairman and past state
chapter president. “We raise a lot of money through the banquet program, and
we like to spend it for wild turkey conservation. That’s what it’s for; to
put it back in the ground.”
More than 72 local chapters across the state host banquets to raise money for
the NWTF’s Wild Turkey Super Fund. Super Fund dollars are used for
projects such as habitat improvement, wild turkey restoration and sharing the
outdoors with women, children and disabled people.
In Pennsylvania, habitat improvement has been a major focus, specifically for
the Red Rock Chapter in the northeast part of the state. Last year alone, the
Red Rock Chapter volunteers worked 26 out of 52 weeks on habitat improvement
projects in that area. According to NWTF Pennsylvania Regional Director Jerry
Zimmerman, this dedication can be seen in every NWTF volunteer throughout the
“Almost every one of our local chapters does some type of habitat work for
wild turkeys and other wildlife,” Zimmerman said. “The work of these
chapters is critical. The people in these chapters are very passionate about
the wild turkey.”
And it doesn’t stop there. The Pennsylvania NWTF Board of Directors has
approved more than $172,000 in habitat projects for 2003. This work will be in
cooperation with the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the Pennsylvania Department
of Conservation and Natural Resources and the U.S. Forest Service.
For more information about the NWTF, call 1-800-THE-NWTF or visit the web site
About the NWTF: In 1973 when the National Wild Turkey Federation was
founded, there were an estimated 1.3 million wild turkeys and 1.5 million
turkey hunters. Thanks to the work of wildlife agencies and the NWTF’s many
volunteers and partners, today there are an estimated 5.6 million wild turkeys
and approximately 2.6 million turkey hunters. Since 1985, more than $168
million NWTF and cooperator dollars have been spent on over 22,000 projects
benefiting wild turkeys throughout North America.
The NWTF is a 450,000-member grassroots, nonprofit organization with members
in 50 states, Canada and 11 foreign countries. It supports scientific wildlife
management on public, private and corporate lands as well as wild turkey
hunting as a traditional North American sport.
For more information on the National Wild Turkey Federation, call (803)
637-3106, check out our web site at or e-mail questions to
Send mail to
with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2003 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
Last modified: November 20, 2003