FOR TARGET 2000 INFO For the NWTF Super Fund page

The Pennsylvania State Chapter - National Wild Turkey Federation has reached a ten year milestone in our quest for providing improved habitat, hunter safety and awareness, and continued acquisition of land for our State Game Lands system. The funds for our projects are raised through the Local Chapter fund raising banquet system and through State Chapter projects.

During the last ten years, 1987 through 1996, the Pennsylvania State Chapter has raised and spent more than $841,001 and funded 417 projects in the state.

10 year summary of wild turkey projects - 1987 to 1996 include:

Total number of wild turkey projects funded - 417.

Total State Chapter dollars for wild turkey projects - $841,001.

Cooperative Partnership dollars spent - $8,004,195.

Total money spent over 10 years - $8,845,196.

During 1996 through our Local Chapter and Pennsylvania State Chapter projects, we funded 137 wild turkey projects.

Total money spent in Pennsylvania during 1996 for wild turkey projects - $284,177.

Cooperative Partnership dollars spent - $2,632,585.

Number of projects funded during 1996 - 137.

74 Habitat Projects were funded for $159,642.

1 Land Acquisition Project for $5,000.

Safety and Education Projects were funded for $74,510.

JAKES and Youth Field Days were funded for $13,175.

1 American Hunting Heritage donation was funded for $3,350.

2 Research and Management Projects were funded for $17,343.

9 Miscellaneous Projects were funded for $10,575.

As the Pennsylvania State Chapter - National Wild Turkey Federation nears the new millennium, we want to expand our list of wild turkey projects. We want to include a broader base of turkey hunting ethics programs, awareness of the game laws that governor wild turkey hunting, improved wild turkey management tools to collect and report data that can be used to make wild turkey management decisions based on solid facts, and develop improved hunter safety education programs.

We continue to work with our partners in conservation and with our members to develop new wild turkey projects. All our goals are reachable in the next ten years. We have a very aggressive agenda and ask anyone interested in helping to improve wild turkey habitat, improve our turkey hunting education process, and to promote our turkey hunting heritage to contact any member, director or officer of the Pennsylvania State Chapter.

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2000 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
Last modified: November 20, 2003