Press Release February 4, 1998 Press Release
Pennsylvania State Chapter - National Wild Turkey
Super Fund Program Puts $1 Million Into Wild Turkey Resource.
The Pennsylvania State Chapter - National Wild Turkey Federation has
reached a milestone in its efforts to support and promote wild turkey
management. During 1997, the Pennsylvania State Chapter Super Fund
surpassed the $1 Million mark for expenditures directed toward the wild
turkey resource in Pennsylvania. Through the Local Chapter Banquet system, money is raised
by members to be deposited in the Pennsylvania State Chapter Super Fund. Local Chapters
throughout Pennsylvania, the
Pennsylvania State Chapter, and partnership organizations submit proposals, through the
Pennsylvania State Chapter Super Fund Committee, to be funded for the benefit of the wild
turkey, information and education, and land acquisition. Projects funded include money
directed toward the purchase of additional Game Lands, hunting safety and education
programs, wild turkey resource information, enhancing existing habitat projects and
creating new habitat projects for the wild turkey, equipment purchases for the
Pennsylvania Game Commission, and donations to the American Hunting Heritage Fund.
The National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) is a non-profitconservation
organization made up of dedicated, conservation minded members. The mission of this
organization is to raise monies and work toward the conservation of the wild turkey and
the preservation of the turkey hunting tradition. The Pennsylvania State Chapter - NWTF
has over 12,000 members and prides itself with raising and spending over a million dollars
through the Super Fund Banquet Program. Forty-five Local Chapters generate the funds which
have been channeled to more than 490 projects to date within the state. In addition to
these funds, project cooperators have also contributed an additional $8 million to
Pennsylvania projects over the last decade. The Pennsylvania State Chapter ensures that
these monies are funneled back into projects and programs which directly affect the
states resource.
The Pennsylvania State Chapter - NWTF does not operate single handed,
but rather is supported by many agencies in their efforts. The Pennsylvania Game
Commission, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources - Bureau of Forestry,
Allegheny National Forest, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, and the Wildlands Conservancy
are partners in the projects funded by the Pennsylvania State Chapter. Their cooperative
efforts are to be acknowledged as contributing agencies active in the conservation of the
wild turkey and all wildlife. The cooperative efforts of these agencies in conjunction
with the dedicated members of the Pennsylvania State Chapter of the National Wild Turkey
Federation, and its many Local Chapters, along with the support of many individuals,
businesses, and wildlife conservation organizations, add up to a winning combination
dedicated to the conservation of our natural resources and our hunting heritage.
Additional information on the Pennsylvania State Chapter Super Fund Program, Local
Chapters, and funded projects can be located on the Pennsylvania State Chapters web
site at:
Copyright © 2000 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
Last modified: October 30, 2003