Pennsylvania State Chapter - National Wild Turkey Federation

History of the State Chapter and the Wild Turkey


The Pennsylvania State Chapter - National Wild Turkey Federation, formed in 1975, is a non-profit wildlife organization concerned with the wise management and conservation of the wild turkey in Pennsylvania. We are a state chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF). The Pennsylvania State Chapter was formed to:

The NWTF was formed in 1973. NWTF headquarters are in Edgefield, South Carolina. Click on any of the NWTF links on this state chapter home page to get to the NWTF home page. The NWTF is the only non-profit wildlife conservation organization dedicated to preserving the American wild turkey as a valuable part of America’s heritage. NWTF is comprised of state and local chapter affiliates.

NWTF Mission

The Conservation of the Wild Turkey

and the Preservation of the Turkey Hunting Tradition.

  • NWTF Purpose and Objectives are:

  • wild turkeys.
  • wild turkey, determining factors limiting populations, and establishing management techniques to increase wild turkey populations.
  • The history of the Pennsylvania State Chapter is rich in the achievement of its goals and objectives, commitment to improving wild turkey management principles, and dedicated to educating the hunting and non-hunting public on the wild turkey and its environment. The eastern wild turkey in Pennsylvania is a fascinating success story and clearly shows the benefits of a well-operated wildlife management program. Throughout the latter years of the 20th century the wild turkey has increased its population through an improved habitat structure and conservative seasons and bag limits. During the early years of the 20th century, chiefly because of careless timbering practices and a rapidly-expanding human population, wild turkey population numbers were reduced drastically.

    Fortunately, through public interest in the wild turkey, and the trap and transfer program instituted by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, this awakened concern was responsible for reestablishing wild turkeys in every corner of the state.

    The modern history of the Pennsylvania wild turkey starts in 1873 when a law was passed to establish a closed season for the period of January 1 to October 1. A daily bag limit of 2 was designated in 1887, and a season limit was set in 1905. In 1915 bag limits of 1 per day, 1 per week and 2 per season were fixed. In 1917, the season limit was set at 1 bird. In 1967 the spring gobbler season was established with a bag limit of 1 bird. Today the bag limit is 1 bird in the fall and 1 bird in the spring.

    These regulatory efforts combined with better logging practices and the releasing of farm-raised turkeys resulted in substantial population increases in the early decades of the 1900’s. But these pen-raised turkeys grown and released by the Pennsylvania Game Commission were not consistent with sound wildlife management practices. It was discovered that the birds were subject to disease, frequently quite tame, locally concentrated, and expensive to raise.

    The introduction of the wild turkey trap and transfer program, with the elimination of the per-raised turkeys, during the 1970’s and 1980’s has resulted in a healthy and growing population of wild turkeys in the state. The decision by the Pennsylvania Game Commission to close the turkey farm and rely solely on the trap and transfer program has proved a timely and proper wildlife management decision.

    Today the Pennsylvania State Chapter - National Wild Turkey Federation is working to add even further to an already expanding and successful wildlife management story. Human encroachment and subsequent habitat loss continue to be the principal forces affecting the state’s wild turkey resource. This proud bird has an impressive history.

    Only through the dedicated efforts of groups like the Pennsylvania State Chapter and the Pennsylvania Game Commission can its future be guaranteed.

    Pennsylvania State Chapter - National Wild Turkey Federation

    The First Ten Years


    Formed June 1975 in State College, PA

    Dr. David Wanless first State Chapter President

    "Turkey Talk" established as official State Chapter newsletter

    First edition of "Turkey Talk", Vol. 1 No. 1 -October 1975

    Incorporated as a non-profit organization - November 1975

    First Annual Convention in Williamsport, PA

    at Sheraton Motor Inn, April 10, 1976


    First Annual U.S. Open Turkey Calling Championship Contest,

    Blain, PA - August 14, 1976


    Support Trap and Transfer Program as a wildlife management tool for

    increasing wild turkey populations - June 1976


    Called for closing pen raised game farm and releasing pen raised turkeys

    in Pennsylvania - July 1976


    Hosted First National Wild Turkey Federation Annual Meeting and Convention,

    Hershey, PA - February 4,5,6, 1977

    Pennsylvania State Chapter collectible patch and pin available - May 1977

    Proposed state-wide $5 spring turkey stamp - May 1977

    ‘Make Habitat - A Habit’ poster and habitat brochure established - 1977

    Membership tops 1,000 - November 1977


    Director meeting schedule established for January, June, August, and November

    with the Annual Membership Meeting and Convention

    in March - 1978


    Winters of 1977 and 1978 prove to be severe on wild turkey populations,

    State Chapter establishes winter feeding program and long range tree

    and shrub planting projects to aid wild turkey survival - 1978


    Pennsylvania goes over 2000 membership mark - June 1979

    Establishes $100.00 reward for information leading to

    arrest and conviction of any person or persons illegally killing

    a Pennsylvania Wild Turkey - August 1978


    NWTF Executive Vice President Tom Rodgers unveils plans

    for construction of Wild Turkey Research Center

    in Edgefield, South Carolina - March 1979


    Established guidelines for Local Chapter development - 1979


    Local Chapter #1 established as first Pennsylvania Local Chapter - 1979

    Allegheny Mountain Local Chapter established as second Local Chapter


    Executive Committee established - 1979

    State Chapter works with Lou Hoffman, publisher of

    Northwoods Publications, to produce "Spring in Penn’s Woods" - 1979


    "Wanted Fed or Alive" poster created to bring continued

    awareness to habitat enhancement projects - October 1979


    Fifth Annual Convention and Meeting, Embers Quality Inn, Carlisle, PA

    First Masters Invitational Calling Contest - February 29, 1980


    Pennsylvania Chapter calls for PGC to re-evaluate fall turkey season

    dates in the North Central Division - July 1980


    Pennsylvania Game Commission closes Turkey Game Farm - 1980

    Annual dues structure established with NWTF, your membership now

    includes NWTF, Pennsylvania State Chapter and Local Chapter

    for one membership fee - 1980

    Tenth Local Chapter established - Michaux-Yellow Breeches - 1981


    "HILLSIDE TAKEOFF" by Ned Smith is the FIRST

    Pennsylvania Wild Turkey Stamp Print - July 1981

    First color cover for "Turkey Talk" - July 1981

    Winter Feeding and Rifle/Shotgun issues debated - 1982


    Pennsylvania State Chapter and Local Chapter #1

    are awarded NWTF Chapter of the Year awards - 1982


    Wapiti Roost Chapter is 20th Local Chapter in Pennsylvania - 1982


    Tree and Shrub habitat and nursery project established by

    Michaux-Yellow Breeches and Perry County Local Chapters - 1982


    Pennsylvania State Chapter joins advisory committee and supports research project

    working on fluorescent orange safety issue - 1982


    Experimental habitat project established on Seven Mountains in

    cooperation with Bureau of Forestry - 1982


    Memberships, Stamp and Print Program, Hunter Safety and Education,

    Local Chapters, Conventions, and Habitat are major projects

    promoted by the State Chapter.


    Board of Directors visit Turkey Mountain Lodge for board meeting - 1983

    NWTF membership tops 5,000 - 1983

    Local Chapter Presidents meeting - July 1983


    Allegheny National Forest and several Local Chapters work together

    to establish Habitat Improvement Project - March 1983


    NWTF Hunter Safety Module becomes primary safety education

    program used by State and Local Chapters throughout the state - 1984


    Pennsylvania’s first NWTF fund raising banquet,

    Laurel Highlands Committee - April 1984


    Hunts Run Habitat Project, Cameron County, completed - 1984


    Pennsylvania State Chapter and Pennsylvania Game Commission

    hold first meeting to discuss policies and programs pertaining to the Wild Turkey

    in Pennsylvania - May 24, 1984


    State Chapter seeks additional turkey hunter safety

    in the PGC Hunter Education Course


    Overlapping archery and fall turkey seasons major concern and

    not supported by Pennsylvania State Chapter for safety reasons


    State Chapter calls for improved turkey harvest count for

    spring and fall seasons


    State Chapter supports turkey hunting stamp


    PGC reports Trap and Transfer of wild turkeys is major success story

    in Pennsylvania


    Habitat is the key to survival of the wild turkey in Pennsylvania


    PGC has no present plans to mandate fluorescent orange for turkey hunting

    as not enough information about the effectiveness of wearing orange to

    prevent accidents in the turkey seasons has been established


    "Turkey Talk" Vol. 10, No. 1 - October 1984


    Ron Sandrus, Altoona, PA is serving as President of the

    Pennsylvania State Chapter during our Tenth Anniversary year

    Autumn Olive comes under fire as a potential noxious species,

    Pennsylvania State Chapter supports Autumn Olive as one

    of the best wildlife management shrubs for

    wild turkeys and all wildlife


    Pennsylvania State Chapter testifies in front of the

    Senate Committee on Environmental Resources supporting the

    removal of Autumn Olive from the noxious species list - 1985

    (Senate Committee voted to delete Autumn Olive from the list)


    PGC license increase proposal

    does not include a turkey hunting stamp


    Tenth Annual Meeting and Convention - Marriott Hotel, Harrisburg, PA

    Convention Co-Chairman are Don Heckman and Terry Hyde

    March 15 and 16, 1985


    "Turkey Talk" Editor Bud Erich bids farewell after 10 years

    as chief writer and producer of the State Chapter Newsletter,

    Dan Sullivan takes over as Editor


    Pennsylvania State Chapter President, Dan Roessner,

    takes over the leadership position of the State Chapter

    as we prepare to move into our second decade

    The Second Decade Highlights


    Conservation Print established as fund raising project

    Pennsylvania State Chapter begins its commitment to the

    NWTF Super Fund Project by supporting the Fund Raising Banquet program


    Super Fund Projects lead to successful completion of Hunter Safety and Education,

    Land Acquisition, and Habitat Improvement


    State Chapter membership tops 10,000

    as the Fund Raising Banquet system and Super Fund Projects

    lead to continued growth and leadership of the NWTF as a major nation-wide

    wildlife conservation organization and the Pennsylvania State Chapter as a

    state-wide wildlife conservation organization leader


    Hunter Safety, Hunter Education, Hunter Ethics and Fluorescent Orange

    safety requirements and mandates are major issues

    that will be debated in the next ten years


    Pennsylvania State Chapter gets their first NWTF Regional Director

    Mandatory Orange and Turkey Hunting - January 1992


    20th Annual Meeting and Convention on March 17 and 18, 1995

    at the Days Inn Conference Center, Allentown, PA


    Pennsylvania Game Commission and Pennsylvania State Chapter

    combine forces to produce a turkey hunting safety poster to be

    distributed for the 1995 fall turkey hunting season

    The Third Decade Highlights



    Allegheny National Forest and Pennsylvania State Chapter combine

    efforts with other conservation organizations to expand habitat

    improvement projects and the annual JAKES program


    Pennsylvania State Chapter moves the flock to the information age

    by establishing an Internet Web Site,


    Pennsylvania gets a second NWTF Regional Director


    Pennsylvania goes over 11,000 membership mark


    Pennsylvania Game Commission spends Target 2000 funds

    on wild turkey projects across the state


    Pennsylvania State Chapter goes over the Million dollar mark

    for funds raised and spent on Super Fund projects

    PGC License increase takes center stage in 1996 and 1997,

    Turkey Federation seeks a $5 Spring Turkey License

    Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
    Copyright © 2000 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
    Last modified: November 20, 2003