21,451 members in the state of Pennsylvania


Includes:  8,136 JAKES members and 2054 WITO members


72 Local Chapters



State Super Fund Activity since 1986:


$3,045,500.00 deposited


1338 wild turkey projects funded


$3,050,025.00 spent on wild turkey projects,


creating wild turkey habitat and habitat improvement,


hunter safety and hunting education programs,


land acquisition, hunting heritage,


youth field days, JAKES and WITO events, and


 wild turkey information and education.



2002 State Super Fund Activity to-date:


$334,035.26 deposited


182 wild turkey projects funded


$357,955.86 spent on wild turkey projects.


Pennsylvania  Chapter - NWTF

Conservation and Preserving The Hunting Tradition Programs:


Wild Turkey Partnership Agreements


The Wild Turkey Super Fund


State Super Fund Projects


Making Tracks


Project Help


Conservation Seed Program


Regional Habitat Program

Wild Turkey Woodlands


“Hands On” In The Ground Habitat Projects


Pennsylvania  Chapter support of wild turkey research projects and wild turkey management through the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s

Wild Turkey Management Plan, signed April 1999



Information and Education Outreach Programs:


Pennsylvania  Chapter Home Page


“Turkey Talk” Publication, quarterly newsletter of the

 Pennsylvania  Chapter - NWTF


JAKES - youth membership program


JAKES Conservation Field Days


Women In The Outdoors Program


Outdoors For Youth Programs


Wheelin Sportsman Program


NWTF Academic Scholarship Program


Leadership role in Conservation Management and state-wide conservation organizations



Preserving the Hunting Tradition Programs:

NWTF Hunting Heritage Fund


NWTF Wild Turkey Interactive DART Training System


Turkey Hunting Educational Seminars


Support and attend Hunting Heritage Events


Hunt Safely Program and Publications


Pennsylvania  Chapter Annual Rendezvous

and Awards Banquet



NWTF 5 Star Program 



Pennsylvania  Chapter and Local Chapter commitment to support

the organization’s mission for giving something back to the volunteers and their communities, involving families in wildlife conservation, protecting the privilege to hunt, developing a stronger relationship between state and local chapters, and building a better future.


Dedicated to the Conservation of the Wild Turkey and to the Preservation of the Turkey Hunting Tradition.


NWTF web site:


450,000 members in 50 states and 11 foreign countries


174,000 JAKES members 
Over 550 Jakes Conservation Field days held in 2002


42,000 Women in the Outdoors members 

Nearly 400 WITO Events Held in 2002


1,877  Chapters and Banquets in United States and Canada


NWTF Super Fund membership banquets

will net $23 Million for programs in 2002


More than 21,000 Super Fund Projects involving $164 Million NWTF and Cooperator Dollars have been funded


More than 160,000 wild turkeys relocated with NWTF

assistance as part of its restoration efforts


NWTF has coordinated the relocation of 5,505 birds so far in 2002 trap and transfer season


NWTF partnerships with US Department of Agriculture Forest Service to conduct State and National Super Fund Projects on

 Forest Service Land.


Making Tracks is the cooperative initiative between NWTF and state, federal, and provincial wildlife agencies to restore the wild turkeys to all suitable habitat in North America






8000 Wheelin Sportsmen Members 

Wheelin Sportsmen events held in 32 States

 NWTF American Wild Turkey Hunting Heritage Program


In 1973, there were an estimated 1.3 million wild turkeys

 and 1.5 million turkey hunters.  Today, there are an estimated

 5.4 million wild turkeys and approximately

2.6 million turkey hunters



NWTF Conservation Programs:


Wild Turkey Partnership Agreements


National Wild Turkey Symposia


Pineland Stewards Project


Wild Turkey Woodlands


State Super Fund Projects


National Super Fund Projects


Making Tracks


Project Help


”Hands On” In The Ground Habitat Projects


Conservation Seed Program


Regional Habitat Programs

Operation Appleseed in Northeast

Operation Oak in Southwest

Operation Heartland in Midwest

Operation SOS in the Great lakes

Operation Big Sky in the Great Plains

Guzzlers for Gobblers in the West
Energy For Wildlife


NWTF Conservation Publications :

Turkey Call Magazine” and “The Caller


JAKES and Women in the Outdoors magazines


Wheelin For Sportsmen Magazines


NWTF Wild Turkey Library

and Bibliography Service


The Wild Turkey: Biology and Management


The NWTF - Wildlife Bulletin series


The Guide to the American Wild Turkey


Proceedings from the Eighth National Wild Turkey Symposium



NWTF Wild Turkey Visitors Center:


National Headquarters of the NWTF


NWTF Staff and Field Operations


Education Center and 3-D dioramas


State-of-the-Art Winchester Museum


Federal Cartridge Conference Center


The Turkey Shoppe


NWTF Gift Shop


NWTF Wild Turkey Library


NWTF Board Room


Warehouse for Super Fund Banquets


JAKES events and school field trips


NWTF Publications and Membership Programs


Outdoor Education Center


Legacy Sculpture [larger than life size]



National Wild Turkey Federation

 “Preserving the Hunting Tradition” Programs:


NWTF Turkey Hunting Safety Task Force


Turkey Hunting Safety Publications


Hunt Safely Program


Consulting on wild turkey hunting safety issues


NWTF Wild Turkey Interactive DART Training System


Turkey Hunting Educational Seminars


NWTF Hunting Heritage Fund



Turkey Hunting – Safer than ever:


NWTF Turkey Hunting Task Force continues to send the “hunting safety” message to all turkey hunters


Latest meeting of the Task Force, factors indicate turkey hunting safety message is reaching turkey hunters nationwide


Accident rates have been reduced from 8.1 out of 100,000 turkey hunters in 1982,  to 4.6 per 100,000 in 1996




NWTF Education and Outreach Programs:


NWTF Home Page


JAKES - youth membership program


JAKES Conservation Field Days


JAKES  America’s Youth Working for the Wild Turkey


NWTF Academic Scholarship Program


Women In The Outdoors program


National 4-H Shooting Sports Foundation


Wheelin Sportsmen Program


NWTF 5-Star program:


5-Star Chapter designation is met under the following criteria:


Secured the future of hunting by contributing to the Hunting Heritage fund and the U. S. Sportsmen Alliance


Shared the excitement of the outdoors by supporting and hosting a local chapter Women in the Outdoors event


Make a commitment to the future by supporting and hosting a JAKES program, and providing a minimum of one JAKES Education box for each local chapter to distribute to area schools


Invest in youth with a commitment to a high school scholarship program


Support wholesome family activity by sponsoring the state 4-H Shooting Sports Program


Provided continued financial support to the state and federal wildlife agencies for projects that benefit the wild turkey



National Events:


The NWTF National Convention and Sports Show


The Turkey Shoot and Still Target World Wild Turkey Championship


Turkey Call Television series


Turkey Country On the Outdoor Channel




For More Information Contact:
Don Heckman
Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
14 Slate Hill Rd. Camp Hill Pa. 17011
Tel: 717-761-5925
FAX: None

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2004 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
Last modified: March 09, 2004