HARRISBURG -- Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Vern Ross
today praised the state House of Representatives for passing Rep. Merle
Phillips's bill to empower the agency to sell special licenses allowing
hunters to take an additional wild turkey beyond two currently provided for
as part of the general hunting license. The measure, House Bill 2042, passed
the state House by a vote of 186-1, and currently awaits consideration by
the Senate Game and Fisheries Committee.
The Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, a statewide
organization with more than 25,000 members, has endorsed the bill.
"The creation of this license will allow Pennsylvania hunters the
opportunity to buy a second license for a second turkey in the same season,"
said Ross, an avid turkey hunter. "If enacted, this will in no way impact
hunters' current ability to harvest one spring and one fall turkey as part
of their general hunting license privileges.
"I want to offer my thanks to Rep. Phillips for introducing this measure and
to all the members who voted in favor of it."
The licenses for a second turkey are proposed to cost $20 for residents and
$40 for non-residents. Revenues from the special licenses could be used to
implement and fund the Game Commission's turkey management plan and further
educate turkey hunters, thereby promoting the recreation and safe hunting
Those wishing to take advantage of the license would be required to first
secure a hunting license, and then apply for the new license for a second
bird. The number of licenses allocated for a second turkey, as well as which
seasons hunters would be permitted to take a second bird, will be
established by the Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners and will take
into consideration turkey populations in specific Wildlife Management Units.
Ross said that, if the legislation passes the Senate and is signed into law
by Governor Edward G. Rendell, it is the intention of the Bureau of Wildlife
Management to recommend to the Board of Game Commissioners that a second
license be approved for the statewide spring gobbler season as soon as
practical. He also stressed that the Bureau of Wildlife Management would
continue to review data about the state's turkey population and make
adjustments to its recommendations to the Board as necessary.
Ross noted that Rep. Phillips, a lifelong turkey hunter, has been actively
involved in hunting and fishing issues and in the past has worked with the
Game Commission to create special youth projects, including the recently
completed youth spring turkey hunt.
For further hunting and trapping information, visit the Pennsylvania Game
Commission's website For information about wild turkeys, click on
"Wildlife" then choose "Wild Turkey."