Subject: PGC News Release

Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 07:11:17 -0500



A Pennsylvania Game Commission study to determine why wild turkey populations are suppressed in Turkey Management Area 7B is about to move to the next phase on the Michaux State Forest in southcentral Pennsylvania.

Winter live trapping of turkeys will be conducted at as many as three sites and will continue through mid-March. The research program is under the direction of PGC wildlife biologist Mary Jo Casalena.

"The goal is to attach radio transmitters to at least 32 hens to establish an overall sample size of 60," Casalena said. "These birds will be monitored through the spring nesting season to determine mortality and its causes, as well as nesting success."

Casalena noted that 28 hens were fitted with radio transmitters last September. Of that number, 14 survived and 14 died. Of those that died, five were legally harvested during the fall turkey season; three were killed by predators; one was a crippling lose during the hunting season; one fell victim to poaching; and four died of unknown causes.

Casalena will be assisted in the winter trapping phase of the operation by other PGC staff, deputy wildlife conservation officers and volunteers.

The study began in September 1999 when a limited number of birds were trapped and equipped with transmitters in an effort to determine causes of fall mortality. The research program will require about two full years to complete and includes two fall hunting seasons.

The Game Commission and sportsmen’s groups have been concerned about the apparent suppression of wild turkeys in the South Mountain region for several years. It was for this very reason that Turkey Management Area 7B was split out of TMA 7 a few years ago and a short, fall turkey hunting season was put in place.

In January, Commissioners gave preliminary approval to an Oct. 28-Nov. 4 fall turkey hunting season in TMA 7B. Along with TMAs 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8, TMA 7A is proposed to have a fall turkey hunting season of Oct. 28-Nov. 18. Both proposed seasons must be approved in April before taking effect.

Pennsylvania Chapter NWTF update to the PGC News Release published on January 20, 2000.

February 19, 2000: Pennsylvania Chapter NWTF has pledged $26,500 per year from the Wild Turkey Super Fund to help with the overall expenditures of the PGC research project. This is a two year research study on the Michaux State Forest, TMA7B.

This research project money is a direct result of the Michaux State Forest/TMA7B Wild Turkey Task Force, formed in April 1997 by Don Heckman, Executive Officer of the Pennsylvania Chapter and the Michaux Yellow Breeches Local Chapter.

The Wild Turkey Task Force meets twice a year with members of the PGC and DCNR Bureau of Forestry. Wild turkey management and land management data is reviewed at the task force meetings, recommendations and action items are assigned between the three organizaztions to improve the suppressed wild turkey populations on the Michaux State Forest.

Michaux State Forest/TMA7B Wild Turkey Task Force information is

available by writing and requesting this data from: Don Heckman, 14

Slate Hill Road, Camp Hill, PA, 17011

Copyright © 2000 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
Last modified: October 30, 2003