Spring weather and the calendar have many turkey hunters thinking of the

approaching spring gobbler season. As hunters dig out their calls and

camouflage and prepare for the upcoming season, the Pennsylvania State

Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation wishes to remind turkey

hunters to make hunting safety the cornerstone of their mental preparations.

In recent years turkey seasons have been followed by the tragic news of

turkey hunters being shot in mistake for a wild turkey. While the

circumstances surrounding each of these reports differs there is one common

thread throughout each reported accident. Hunters have not "PROPERLY

IDENTIFIED THEIR TARGET". The Pennsylvania State Chapter has a

slogan that each and every turkey hunter needs to adhere to and follow:


If spring gobbler hunters would follow this simple rule, shot in mistake for

game accidents while turkey hunting would never happen.


"PROPERLY IDENTIFY YOUR TARGET" is a cardinal rule of all hunting

sports. It is a rule, which all hunters have heard and read numerous times,

that if not followed, leads to the majority of all reported hunting accidents.

Ask any turkey hunter you happen across in the field or in any social setting

how it is possible for someone to mistake a human for a wild turkey, and the

response will be it’s not possible, it’s inconceivable. Yet it continues to

happen every turkey hunting season because a few hunters fail to



In Pennsylvania’s spring gobbler season, bearded wild turkeys are the only

legal game. Hunters are reminded to ensure any turkey they choose to shoot

at has a visible beard, thus "PROPERLY IDENTIFYING THEIR TARGET".


Living by this rule will eliminate the pain and suffering experienced by

shooting victims and their families, and the mental anguish and legal

consequences an offender will face.


The Pennsylvania State Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation

wishes all hunters a safe and enjoyable spring season and encourages all

hunters to conduct their hunt in the following manner:


"DO NOT USE A TURKEY SOUND" to alert another hunter of your



The National Wild Turkey Federation has developed the following ten points

of defensive turkey hunting.

  1. Never stalk a wild turkey.
  2. Eliminate the colors red, white, and blue from your turkey hunting outfit.
  3. Never move, wave, or make turkey sounds to alert another hunter of your presence. A quick movement may draw fire. Yell in a loud voice and remain hidden.
  4. Never attempt to approach closer than 100 yards to a roosting turkey.
  5. Be particularly careful if you use the gobbler call. The sound and motion may attract other hunters to your location.
  6. When selecting your calling position, don’t try to hide so well that you cannot see what’s happening around you. Remember, eliminating movement is your key to success, not total concealment.
  7. Select a calling position that provides a background as wide as your shoulders. Position yourself so you can see 180 degrees in front of you.
  8. Camouflage conceals you. It does not make you invisible. When turkey hunting, think and act defensively.
  9. Never shoot at sound or movement. Be 100% certain of your target before you pull the trigger.
  10. When turkey hunting, assume that every sound you hear is made by another hunter. Once you pull the trigger, you can never call that shot back.


The Pennsylvania State Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation is a

non-profit membership organization established to promote the wise

management of our wild turkey resource and to preserve our turkey hunting



For additional information on spring turkey hunting, the Pennsylvania State

Chapter, and our local chapter system, look us up on the world wide web at:


Copyright © 2000 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
Last modified: October 30, 2003