2004 PA Chapter NWTF State Wild Turkey Super Fund Habitat Projects
Chapter Project Location County Acres Description
Adams County Longbeards Michaux SF Adams 2 Lime, fertilizeilize, herbicide, seed PHO
Allegheny Mountain. SGL 118 Blair 2 Fence sawtooth oak nursery
Allegheny Sultans Local farmers Venango 50 Lime, seed, fertilize. Local farms
Allegheny Valley Bull Creek Rod & Gun Allegheny 12 Lime, seed, fertilize existing PHOs
Armenia Mountian Spurs Mt. Pisgah SP Bradford 16 Rehab. PHO & Create pond
Arnie Hayden SGL 268, 37, 208 Tioga 41 Spray, disc ,lime, seed, fertilize PHOs
Bald Eagle SGL 89, 295 Clinton 5 Lime, seed, fertilize. Roadways
Ben Stimaker SGL 64, 59, 204 Potter 26 Spray, disc, lime, seed, fertilize PHOs
Ben Stimaker Susquehannock SF Potter 25 Lime, fertilize. PHOs
Blue Mountain SGL 52 Berks 3 Create PHOs
Cascade Thundering Toms SGL95,164,304,151,216,406 Lawrence, Butler 40 Lime, fertilizeilize grassy roadways
Chesquehanna Spurs SGL 120, 108, 158 Cambria, Clearfield 98 Create PHOs, lime, seed, fertilize PHOs
Col-Mont Gobblers   Montour 2 Dozer Rental-balance from '03
Col-Mont Gobblers SGL & PPL Columbia, Montour   Purchase 180 apples & crabs
Col-Mont Gobblers SGL 55, 58,84,115,226 Montour, Columbia, Northumberland   Purchase 50 apple & 100 crabapple trees
Col-Mont/Anthracite Equip. Purchase  Montour, Columbia, Northumberland   Purchase fertilizeilizer spreader
Del.Co.LB, Red Rose SGL 156 Lancaster 6 Create PHOs 
Endless Mountains SGL 36 Bradford 35 Lime, fertilize. PHOs
Fort Chambers Michaux SF Franklin 1 Create Perennial Herbaceous Opening (PHO)
Gobblers Knob several SGL Clarion, Jefferson 50 Lime PHOs
Honey Hole Longbeards Equip. Purchase, tree tubes  Luzerne   Purchase S-tine disc, tree tubes
Juniata Gobblers SGL 53 Fulton 18 Crop tree release
Kinzua Allegheny LB SGL 24 Forest 6 Lime, seed, fertilize existing PHOs
Kinzua Valley   McKean 6 Lime, fertilizeilize existing PHO
Kinzua Valley Allegheny NF Warren 112 Rehab. PHOs/Create switchgrass fields
Lake Marburg Equip. Purchase  York 1275 Purchase Hydraulic Grapple Rake
Lake Region Longbeards Equip. Purchase  Pike, Monroe 26 Purchase tractor & sickle bar
Lake Region Longbeards SGL 316, 183, 180 Pike, Wayne, Lackawana 13 Lime, seed, fertilize. PHOs
Lakefront Gobblers. SGL 101 Crawford, Erie 20 Purchase JD Gator, lime, seed, fertilize
Lehigh Valley LB SGL 217 Carbon 8 Spray, lime, seed, fertilize PHOs
Lenni Lenape Equip. Purchase  Pike, Monroe 26 Purchase tractor & sickle bar
Local #1 SGL 51 Fayette 50 Lime, seed, fertilize PHOs; plow 15ac.
Mason-Dixon SGL 242 York 8 Create PHOs 
Michaux-Yellow Breeches Michaux SF Cumberland, Franklin   Purchase 5 nozzle boom kit for ATV
Moraine SGL 95 Butler 2 Create Perennial Herbaceous Opening (PHO)
Nittany Valley LB SGL 33 Centre 6 Lime, seed ,fertilize ,seed & fence trees
NW Thunderin Toms Local farmer Crawford 14 Lime, seed, fertilize existing PHOs, & create
Peters Creek Trail SGL 111 Somerset 60 Lime, seed, fertilize existing PHOs
Pocono Mountain SGL 186 Monroe 2 Create Perennial Herbaceous Opening (PHO)
Red Rock SGL 66 Sullivan 3 Create Perennial Herbaceous Opening (PHO)
Shade Mountain SGL 107 Juniata 8 Lime, seed, fertilize PHOs, plant trees
Shermans Valley SGL 88 Perry 4 Lime, fertilizeilize PHO, plant seedlings
Stony Valley SGL 156 Lebanon 2 Create Perennial Herbaceous Opening (PHO)
Susquehanna Chapter Greenwood Club Clearfield 6 Lime, fertilizeilize existing PHO
Susquehanna Chapter Black Moshanon SF Elk, Cameron, Clearfield   Lime, fertilize. PHOs
Susquehanna Longbeards Tiadaghton SF, SGL 134 Lycoming 58 Lime, seed, fertilize. Existing PHOs
Susquehanna Longbeards SGL 75 Lycoming 52 Lime, fertilize existing PHOs
Susquehanna Longbeards SGL 298 Lycoming 5 Lime, fertilize. PHOs
Susquehanna/Nittany Valley Black Moshanon SF Centre 27 Lime, fertilize, seed PHOs
Tamarack Turkey Equip. Purchase  Warren   Purchase rotary mower
Ten Mile Valley SGL 232 Washington 14 Plant spruce,herbicide,create PHO
Ten Mile Valley Washington County Park Washington 8 Plant spruce, plant PHO & switchgrass
Terrace Mountain Raystown Lake Huntingdon 5 Prescribe burn, plant conifers, fertilizeilize
Wapiti Roost SGL 25 Elk  70 Lime, fertilizeilize PHOs
Whitehorse Mountain. Forbes SF Somerset 2 Lime, fertilizeilize existing PHO
Wilson Moore SGL 35, 140 Susquehanna 45 Lime, fertilize. PHOs
Yellow Creek SGL 79, 262, 185 Indiana 98 Create new & rehab existing PHOs
PA State Chapter Conservation Seed Program ($25,000 from Habitat, $10,000 from other committees)    
PA State Chapter Conservation Seed Program Sullivan   rental of equip. for cons. seed program
PA State Chapter Seed Subsidy Program      

Grand Total Funded in 2004 by PA State Chapter on 60 different Projects $178,758.76

Grand Total Funded in 2004 by PGC on 38 Partner Projects $88,509.99


 Send mail to panwtf@go2pa.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2005 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
Last modified: February 01, 2005