For more information, contact: Bob Kasun, Pa. Chapter of NWTF public relations, 814-942-3990.

Pa. Chapter of NWTF chairman and president

earns prestigious national award

March 23, 2004

The Pennsylvania National Wild Turkey Federation Board of Directors chairman and state chapter president was recently recognized as one of the nation’s elite conservation volunteers.

Carl Mowry of Butler, Pa., was one of five volunteers selected by the National Wild Turkey Federation for the Roger Latham Service Award.

The award is presented to outstanding conservation volunteers who have made great contributions to the National Wild Turkey Federation’s conservation legacy.
Mowry has been a volunteer with the NWTF for many years, serving as a local chapter President of the Moraine Chapter, banquet chairman, member of the Pennsylvania state chapter Board of Directors, as well as Chairman of the Board and president of the Pennsylvania state chapter.

"It’s an honor to receive this award,’’ Mowry said. "I would like to thank all our volunteers from our 72 local chapters for doing a fantastic job. Between their banquets, habitat projects or conducting one of our outreach programs. They are the ones who have helped contribute to this."

The presentation came during the NWTF’s 28th Annual Convention and Sport Show in Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 19-22.

The Latham awards are given to NWTF members who are not employed as professional wildlife managers, but have made significant contributions to wild turkey conservation. Since 1985, NWTF volunteers have spent more than $183 million dollars on more than 26,000 conservation projects for the benefit of wild turkeys and other wildlife.

The other winners include Jody Neece of Langsville, Ohio, Eldo Meyer of Gerald, Mo., Donald McDonald of Beechmont, Ky., and Frank Estes of Ozark, Ala.

Mowry’s efforts didn’t go unnoticed by his own state chapter of the NWTF.

The Pa. Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation nominated Mowry for his dedicated service to conservation projects and his leadership at the state level. He served two years as Pa. Chapter NWTF president and then took over as chairman of the board.

The Pennsylvania Chapter Board of Directors recognized Mowry in its nomination letter for his character and dedication to the NWTF along with his leadership role in outreach programs with the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writer Association, Pennsylvania Game Commission and Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

At the state chapter level, Mowry was instrumental in Wheelin’ Sportsmen events, chairperson for various chapter committee functions and fundraising.

As president, Mowry coordinated the state chapter’s new revised strategic plan, working closely with association regional directors, WITO coordinator and NWTF Wild Turkey Biologist.

Recently, Mowry was a spokesperson leading the NWTF campaign opposing the Pennsylvania Game Commission proposal for increased orange regulations on turkey, archery and muzzleloader hunters.

"Leadership efforts, individual sacrifices, hard work and unparalleled dedication to the NWTF mission statement are words many of us use to describe how we volunteers feel about the NWTF and the way we accomplish what we each strive to do through our attitudes and ethics directed towards the NWTF mission statement,’’ said Don Heckman, who is director and executive officer of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation.

"Carl not only lives those words every day, but through his actions, attention to details and leadership qualities, he teaches the meaning of those words to all of us that have come to know Carl while working for the wild turkey, the NWTF, by answering the call," said Heckman, who is a past recipient of the Dr. Roger Latham Sportsmen's Service Award.

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Copyright © 2004 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
Last modified: March 28, 2004