RD#5 Box 201
Brookville, PA 15825
September 26, 2005
Mr. Vernon R. Ross, Executive Director
Pennsylvania Game Commission
2001 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110
Dear Executive Director Ross, Deputy Director Schmit, Commissioners:
Thank you for the opportunity to provide input into the development of hunting regulations through these meetings and the public comment period. The members and Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation sincerely appreciate the good working relationship between the Game Commission and our organization. Our association with commission field staff in the Bureaus of Wildlife Management, Land Management and Law Enforcement has been extremely positive. The professional conduct and “can do” attitude of staff members have enabled us to partner on many important projects.
At this time we especially want to compliment Executive Director Vern Ross for his outstanding leadership of the Game Commission and Commissioner Steve Mohr for his service to the hunters of the Keystone State. As Vern prepares to move into retirement, our members wish him health, happiness, time to enjoy his grandchildren and good hunting. Vern, your tenure as Executive Director has seen many challenges and accomplishments. You have risen to the occasion and have served the hunters of Pennsylvania faithfully and well. Thank you for that service and for your continued dedication to the wildlife resource and the hunting tradition.
Commissioner Mohr, we appreciate your willingness to give of your time and energies to the Commission. Thank you for your dedication to the hunters and trappers of this commonwealth. We wish you well in your future endeavors and hope that you will continue to work for the wildlife resources of this fine state.
The members and board of directors of the Pennsylvania Chapter wish to express our support for the recent regulation change allowing turkey hunters to purchase an additional license for taking a second spring gobbler. Requiring the purchase of the tag before the opening of the season will likely limit the sales of the additional tags and therefore limit the harvest. We are in agreement with that requirement. Our members would, however, be more comfortable with a regulation limiting the use of the additional tags to the last two weeks of the spring season for the first three years.
Mandatory reporting by purchasers of the additional tag would provide the Game Commission with information on hunter participation and success. Our membership supports mandatory reporting requirements for both successful and unsuccessful purchasers of the additional tag. We are pleased that the commission limited the use of the additional tags to the spring gobbler season. We recommend that no additional tags for fall hunting be considered until sufficient research has been done to justify such an action.
Average to below average brood production and harsh winters have affected wild turkey numbers in portions of Pennsylvania. Limiting fall harvest in such areas can help to increase survival and allow populations to recover more quickly from a series of poor production years such as occurred between 2002 and 2004. Our members suggest that Wildlife Management Units 2F and 2G be added to the list of WMUs that are proposed for a two week fall turkey hunting season instead of being included in the three week fall season category.
We note that a proposal has been made to allow the use of crossbows for turkey hunting in the spring and fall. While our membership has not been queried on their support of this issue, we suggest that these proposals include wording describing a minimum draw weight of 150 pounds for crossbows. Broadheads used for turkey hunting, whether by archers or crossbow hunters, should have similar requirements to those used for deer hunting.
Pennsylvania Chapter members continue to be concerned about turkey hunting related shooting incident numbers. Incident numbers for the past two fall seasons have been substantially lower than those in previous season. Additional educational efforts are necessary to keep incident numbers as low as possible. Our chapter will continue to promote turkey hunter safety through a number of venues. We offer our services to the Game Commission and would like very much to partner in working toward achieving lower numbers of incidents. This serious issue needs to be addressed through a joint effort.
Our members and board of directors support the concept of a turkey hunting license as part of any legislative license increase proposal package. Such a license would help to provide revenues for Game Commission programs, in particular, those designed to address the strategies and objectives of the Management Plan for Wild Turkeys in Pennsylvania. We recognize the need of the agency for additional funding to continue and expand important wildlife management programs.
Thank you again for the opportunity to voice our compliments and concerns. We look forward to a long and productive partnership in many areas with the Game Commission.
David Burdge
President- Pennsylvania Chapter- NWTF