PA Chapter NWTF supports wild turkey management
March 9, 2005
by Don Heckman, Executive Officer
PA Chapter NWTF position statements supporting
wild turkey management, turkey hunting and calling, and turkey hunter safety
and ethics. These support statements have been presented to our members
through various Turkey Talk, news releases, and articles over the last
several years.
As part of the wild turkey management plan, the Pennsylvania Chapter NWTF
1) PGC "Management Plan For Wild Turkeys In Pennsylvania";
2) funding the PGC "Management Plan For Wild Turkeys In Pennsylvania";
3) 2nd bird spring tag with a license/tag for a fee;
4) turkey hunting license/stamp for a fee.
The Pennsylvania Chapter NWTF Board of Director' is adding these support
statements to our wild turkey management overview.
1) wild turkey management regulations and decision making based on facts,
in the field, in the ground/on the ground data as defined and outlined in
the PGC Management Plan For Wild Turkeys In Pennsylvania.
We support wildlife management
regulations and decision making based on scientific wildlife management
principles as determined by PGC
wildlife biologists and land managers.
2) purchasing the additional 2nd spring
gobbler tag prior to the start of the season. We recommend the special
additional tag be issued for the last two weeks of the spring gobbler season
for the first three years of the regulation. We support mandatory 2nd bird
tag harvest
reporting with appropriate data.
3) delaying any additional hunting opportunities for all day spring gobbler hunting, or until data is available to support all day hunting.
4) continued monitoring of relevant data
provided by PGC Wild Turkey Biologist's to review fall season lengths across
WMU's. We support reducing season lengths or closing certain WMU's where the
data validates wild turkey populations are declining.
5) 22 WMU's and their current boundaries for
state-wide wild turkey management
as outlined in the PGC Management Plan For Wild Turkeys In Pennsylvania,
objectives and strategies.
6) PGC yearly funding of the Management Plan For Wild Turkeys In
Pennsylvania. We continue to support wild turkey research to
collect better data on the wild turkey resource and their habitat, and
turkey hunters.
7) PGC Management Plan For Wild Turkeys In Pennsylvania recommendations
for setting the current dates for the spring gobbler season.
8) further research on Fall turkey hunting seasons where in 2003 and 2004
turkey hunting incidents have dramatically decreased. What have turkey
hunters done right these last 2 fall turkey hunting seasons to impact or
help decrease turkey hunting incidents?
9) Archery In The Schools program and have contributed 2 packages to
further this important school activity. We support the work being done to
research and recommend the youth mentored hunting program.
10) based on the recent recommendations from the NWTF Turkey Hunter
Task Force held in January we support reducing spring and fall
turkey hunter orange requirements.
11) consideration to include a turkey hunting license in the PGC hunting
license increase package if recommended by PGC and Legislators. We support
funding the yearly budget of the PGC
Management Plan For Wild Turkeys In Pennsylvania with revenues
generated from a turkey hunting license, with excess revenue
dollars being used in the PGC General Fund.
12) the Legislative Resolution to research and study Sunday Hunting.