Pennsylvania Chapter
National Wild Turkey Federation
P R E S S R E L E A S E A P R I L 1999
For Immediate Release
Contact Don OBrien, President
Phone: (717) 995-5016
Turkey Hunters Make A Wish Come True
Some of the members of the Pennsylvania Chapter Board of Directors where privileged to hear General Normal Schwarzkopf speak at the 1998 National Wild Turkey Federation Convention [NWTF] in Indianapolis. The topic of the Generals presentation was "Winning Them Over".
The General classified the nation into three groups in terms of hunting. There are the hunters and there are the animal rights activists. Both of these groups have made up their minds about hunting. Then there is the group that hasnt made up their minds as of yet. This is the group we need to work on to get them on our side.
The Generals suggestion was to do something for the non-hunting community. He specifically noted a fundraising shoot his sportsmens club in Florida conducts annually. The proceeds from the shoot go to a local childrens hospital. He Said, "Do you think the families of the patients at that hospital will ever want to take away our guns?" His sportsmens group won over many that may not have made up their minds.
The Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation Board of Directors challenged each of its local chapters to do something to help sway some non-believers. At the direction of Officer Don Heckman, the Pennsylvania Chapter moved forward his motion to direct funds towards a foundation that helps kids. Director Skip Sanderson was named chairman of the committee to set-up the process to donate Chapter funds to the Make A Wish Foundation. The Board asked every chapter to contribute from their general fund at least $100.00 towards the Make A Wish Foundation.
The Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation in conjunction with local chapters across Pennsylvania made a donation of $2,000.00 to the Make A Wish Foundation at their annual convention in Mars, PA on March 20, 1999. This donation included a $500.00 contribution from the Pennsylvania Chapter.
Make A Wish Committee Chairman Skip Sanderson explained, "A contribution to the Make A Wish Foundation is consistent with the National Wild Turkey Federations commitment to Americas youth. Often we only look at what we can do for our organization. The Make A Wish Foundation has made it possible for us to do something for other young people in the Commonwealth."
"The National Wild Turkey Federation has made a major commitment to our youth," Sanderson continued, "The NWTF has committed 1 million dollars to the National 4H Shooting Program across America over the next 10 years. The NWTF has initiated a scholarship program that could earn a deserving student $10,000 toward their college education. The NWTF has long supported our hunting youth through their JAKES (Juniors Acquiring Knowledge Ethics and Sportsmanship) Program. Safe, ethical and knowledgeable young hunters are key to continuing the hunting tradition in the new millennium," added Sanderson.
"The Pennsylvania Chapter is proud to be adding the Make A Wish Foundation to our commitments to our youth. We are looking forward to larger donations in the future" explained Chairman Sanderson. This years donation was committed to the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Make A Wish Foundation which serves thirty-three counties. Robb Fort, a volunteer with Make A Wish Foundation, attended the March Convention to accept the contribution.
For more information regarding the NWTFs Youth Programs call 1-800-THE-NWTF, the NWTF Web site at, the Pennsylvania Chapter web site at or contact a local chapter member of the NWTF.
Copyright © 2000 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
Last modified: October 30, 2003