Pennsylvania Chapter - National Wild Turkey Federation
State Super Fund Project Activity - 1985 through 1998
June 22, 1999
The National Wild Turkey Federation, [NWTF], mission statement: NWTF is dedicated
to the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of the turkey hunting tradition.
The NWTF Wild Turkey Super Fund Program has become the model funding mechanism
for National, State Chapter, and Local Chapter participation in the distribution of funds to
support its mission statement.
The Pennsylvania Chapter focuses on several categories for super fund expenditures
including, habitat enhancement, wildlife management and equipment, land purchase,
information and education, hunting and hunter safety, and, youth and women events.
Nationally, NWTF chapters and cooperating partners have raised over 88 million dollars
in their respective states for the wild turkey resource.
Since 1985 through the end of 1998, over $1,218,000 have been raised by Pennsylvania Chapters and spent on projects within the state. During these past 14 years, the Pennsylvania Chapter and the Local Chapters have funded projects totaling 48% for habitat enhancement, 10% for wildlife management and equipment, 13% for land purchase, 7% for information and education, 9% for hunting and hunter safety, 4% for youth JAKES programs, and the 9%going to multi-use projects. These projects have made it possible for the NWTF to provide support to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, DCNR-Bureau of Forestry, and the Allegheny National Forest for equipment, seedlings and trees, firearms and safety information, and educational material for turkey hunters.
$586,000 have been spent on habitat improvement projects, conducted on
253,000 acres of land, provided seed, fertilizer, seedlings, trees and other
materials for establishment and maintenance of 1,892 acres of wildlife
openings. Habitat enhancement projects have been done on the Allegheny
National Forest, many different state forests and state parks across
Pennsylvania, and state game lands.
$121,000 has been spent to purchase equipment used to manage wild turkeys,
educational material for promoting and managing wild turkeys, trapping
equipment and transportation boxes.
$160,000 to purchase 16,405 acres of land in Cumberland, Elk, Fayette, and
Schuylkill Counties and the Middle Creek WMA.
$195,000 to purchase Wildlife Forever CD ROM's for schools, putting "Turkey
Call" "The Caller" and "Turkey Talk" in school libraries. Purchasing 72
shotguns for use in youth field days, 4,000 NWTF hunter safety color ID
posters, wild turkey mounts to State Parks, instructing the NRA wild turkey
training clinic, printing and distribution of 15,000 turkey hunting safety
posters across Pennsylvania, and supporting the NWTF Turkey Hunting Task
$58,000 to fund 66 JAKES events for Local Chapters across Pennsylvania, the
pilot program for NWTF's Women In The Outdoors event in 1998, purchase of
5,000 plastic rulers, with hunting safety message, for JAKES and youth
events, and field trip for 6th grade students in Lycoming County.
Multi-use expenditures for the American Hunting Heritage Fund totaled
$17,000 to the Wildlife Legislative Fund and $1,565 to pay rewards for the
illegal killing of wild turkeys.
The NWTF has spent over $88 million, combined with cooperator dollars, on more than 7,400 state projects and 1,000 national projects benefiting wild turkeys and other wildlife across the country. In 1998, the NWTF raised more that $11.3 million at 1,100 membership dinners and spent more than $3 million for Super Fund projects.
The wild turkey population in the United States, Canada, and Mexico is stronger now than it has ever been thanks to the combined efforts of state wildlife departments, federal wildlife agencies, and conservation organizations such as the National Wild Turkey Federation and dedicated volunteers. Utilizing the NWTF Super Fund dollars to plant seedlings and trees, seed and food sources, wildlife herbaceous openings, the NWTF members and partnering organizations continue to make a very positive difference for wild turkeys and all wildlife.
January 1998 to December 1998
Pennsylvania Chapter Super Fund projects and expenditures
During 1998, over $190,000 was spent on 114 projects in Pennsylvania. Projects and expenditures outlined below document many of these 114 projects detailing the diverse areas of wildlife management the PA Chapter - NWTF focuses its volunteer efforts.
Habitat Enhancement:
Purchase 40,000 seedlings for distribution to Local Chapters for their habit projects
Plant 9000 seedlings on 10 acres on Moshannon State Forest of abandoned and
reclaimed gas well sites, $2,590.
Create 5 acres of wildlife openings on Bald Eagle State Forest, $4,688.
Create 4 acres of warm season grass plots for improved summer brood rearing habitat
on the Allegheny National Forest - $1,430.
Lime, fertilize, and plant 350 pounds of clover on 72 acres of Game Land 111 - $4,567.
Lime, fertilize, and plant 1600 pounds of seed on 40 acres of wildlife openings on
Game Land 262 -$6,500.
Lime, fertilize, and seed 23 acres of wildlife openings on State Game Lands 51, 138,
and 296 - $6,037.
Lime, fertilize, and plant 12 acre wildlife opening on Susquehanna State Forest - $2000.
Rejuvenate 20 acres of wildlife openings on Game Land 24 -$3,155.
Plant 28 acres of wildlife openings - $4,600.
Plant 500 sergant crabapple trees covering 50 acres on Game Land 51 - $1,878.
Land Purchase:
Assist in purchase of 4200 acres for State Game Lands - $5,000.
Assist in purchase of 1550 acres for State Game Lands - $10,000.
Information and Education:
Contributed $2,000 towards a gold sponsorship with NWTF for the Governors Hunting
Heritage Symposium, PA Chapter.
Donated $3,500 towards the NWTF American Hunting Heritage Fund, PA Chapter.
Purchases 72 shotguns for use in Youth Field Days events, PA Chapter - $11,232.
Purchase 4000 wild turkey identification posters for use in PGC HTE courses,
PA Chapter - $2,210.
Hunting and Hunter Safety:
Purchase 6" plastic rulers with turkey hunting safety message for use at JAKES events
and Youth Field Days, PA Chapter - $1,953.
Print and distribute 15,000 Identify Your Target, turkey hunting safety posters, in
cooperation with Pennsylvania Game Commission, PA Chapter - $1,240.
Youth and Women Programs:
Sponsor 22 JAKES events throughout Pennsylvania, PA Local Chapters - $9,878.
Sponsor two kids to attend the conservation school at Penn State University - $880.
Fund Lycoming County 6th grade field day for 1800 students - $500.
Sponsor two youths to attend outdoor youth camp advanced course - $500.
Sponsor two youths to attend Black Forest conservation school - $250.
Sponsor four youths to attend the 1998 Porter Wagoner/NWTF JAKES Conservation
Field Days event in Edgefield, SC - $2,000.
These projects listed represent a cross section of the 114 projects completed in Pennsylvania during 1998 by the PA Chapter - NWTF and our 52 Local Chapters.
Wild turkey management, conservation information and education, hunter safety, youth and women events, creating new wildlife openings and habitat enhancement projects, and land purchase represent the conservation efforts of thousands of volunteers across Pennsylvania to improve and enhance wildlife management and hunting.
The NWTFs primary focus is spending money to manage wild turkeys. Not only do these 114 projects support the wild turkey resource, but all wildlife benefit from the wildlife conservation efforts performed and supported by the volunteers of the NWTF.
For further information contact PA Chapter President Don OBrien, (570) 995-5016,
or Don Heckman, (717) 761-5925.
Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2000 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
Last modified: November 20, 2003