Pennsylvania State Chapter NWTF Activities 2002



Ø      Membership: 11,261 adult,   8,136 JAKES,   2,054 WITO   total: 22,009 members


Ø      Super Fund 2002:  $366,313 deposited in the Pennsylvania Super Fund account.  We spent $326,696 on super fund projects across the Commonwealth.  In the 17 year history of the Pennsylvania Super Fund over $2,800,000 has been spent on  wild turkey projects.


Ø      There are currently 72 Local Chapters in Pennsylvania.


Ø      Pledged $5,000 to the NWTF Hunting Heritage Fund.  This money will be used towards the efforts of preserving the Second Amendment and our Hunting Heritage.


Ø      Pledged $10,000 ($2,500 for a year) over 4 years to the NWTF Building Fund in Edgefield, SC, for the “Pennsylvania Conference Room” in the new building complex.


Ø      Continued pledge for $10,000 for support of the NWTF Northeast Wild Turkey Biologist. 


Ø      Continued pledge for $10,000 for 4 years of support for the Wild Turkey Population Modeling Project.  Funded by seven mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states, researchers will produce state-specific wild turkey population modeling capabilities and areas for each state to emphasis more data collection.


Ø       Pledged $5,000 to the PGC for a full page ad in the 2002-2003 Hunting Trapping Digest, ad is on page 17.  PGC Wild Turkey Populations report on pages 10-11 of insert.


Ø      Donated $1,000 to support the Pennsylvania YHEC program for 2002.


Ø      Donated $1,000 to the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen’s Club for their annual “On Target” Hunting, Trapping education Course publication.


Ø      Donated $25 to Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association for their taxidermy contest, wild turkey mount award, at Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show.


Ø      Donated $100 to the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association for their wild turkey article award.


Ø      State Chapter has been updated several times with new information, web site location is:        NWTF web site is:


Ø      PGC Wild Turkey Research Project on TMA7B has been completed, Executive Summary has been completed, and recommendations have been sent to PGC and DCNR – Michaux State Forest District.  Report will be in spring Issue of Turkey Talk. 


Ø      The 27th annual State Chapter Rendezvous and Awards Banquet was held on January 5-6, 2002 at the Ramada Inn in Altoona, Pennsylvania.


Ø      PA Game Commission signed a partnership with the NWTF Women In The Outdoors program in Pennsylvania at the Charlotte NWTF Convention.


Ø      Allegheny Valley Chapter received a National award for the 2003 WITO event.  Pennsylvania was 3rd in events with 18, 3rd in net dollars raised.  Nationally over 35,000 women are WITO members.


Ø      Women in the Outdoors program had 21 events planned and scheduled for 2002 across Pennsylvania. 


Ø      State Chapter Women in the Outdoors event was held on April 19 – 21, 2002 at Camp Soles in Somerset County.  We had 38 from women from all over Pennsylvania attend this weekend event.  Prior to this event Dr. Greg Caldwell generously donated a turkey hunt, which we sold raffle tickets on.  We also had a donation of a 2-day float trip on the Androscoggin River fly-fishing from Mr. Sandy MacGregor of Mountain Ranger Guide Service in Rumford Maine.  This trip was verbally auctioned at the event.


Ø      Pennsylvania Chapter participated in Outdoor Heritage on May 2-4, 2002 in Huntingdon.


Ø      June state board of directors meeting was held at S.B. Elliott State Park – Moshannon State Forest on June 1, 2002.  Executive Committee meeting was held Friday evening, May 31st.


Ø      NWTF Scholarship winner from Pennsylvania was from Harmony School District.


Ø      Pennsylvania State Chapter JAKES Event was held at S.B. Elliott State Park – Moshannon State Forest. 


Ø      2003 PGC Turkey Hunter Survey was completed and presented to the PGC Board of Commissioners and the public at the January 2002 Board of Commissioners meeting.  This survey is a strategy defined in the PGC’s Management Plan For Wild Turkeys In Pennsylvania.


Ø      Habitat projects -- 97 Super Fund projects funded, spending $177,804 on habitat.


Ø      Pennsylvania Chapter held the first Wheelin’ Sportsman’s Event in Pennsylvania on July 27, 2002 at the Lawrence County Sportsmen Club


Ø      August state board of directors meeting was held on August 3, 2002 at Ramada Inn in State College.  The Executive Committee meeting was held on August 2.


Ø      Pennsylvania Local Chapter Presidents meeting was held on August 4, 2002 at the Ramada Inn in State College.


Ø      The State Chapter supported the Pennsylvania Game Commission position statement on chronic wasting disease.


Ø      The State Chapter supported the Pennsylvania Game Commission recommendations for State Game Lands Usage, which was passed by the Board of Commissioner’s.


Ø      The State Chapter supported the concept of tipping fee legislation for additional funding for PGC, PFC, and DCNR.


Ø      The State Chapter had a booth at the Elk Expo, September 28-29 in Saint Mary’s.


Ø      October state board of directors meeting was held on October 5th, at the Moshannon State Forest Field Office.


Ø      Terrance Mountain Local Chapter held their first Wheelin’ Sportsman’s Event on December 14th in the Raystown Lake area.


Ø      Pennsylvania Chapter is represented on the Pennsylvania Sportsmen’s Coalition,  Pennsylvania Habitat Alliance, the Governor’s Sportsmen’s Advisory Council.


Ø      Pennsylvania Chapter completed its state license plate program, new PA Chapter NWTF Wild Turkey license plates were mailed to all members that submitted applications.  Members can complete the application on the State Chapter web site and submit as directed to get a license plate.   


Ø      TMA7B rodenticide bait station project. State and local chapter members assisted landowner in placing nearly 700 rodent bait stations in a large Adams County orchard to help reduce the chances of accidental pesticide poisoning of birds including wild turkeys.  Coordinated by NWTF Biologist Bob Eriksen. 


Ø      The State Chapter Board of Directors meeting scheduled for Sunday, January 5, 2003 at the Ramada Inn in State College.  The Executive Committee meeting will be held on Friday, January 3rd, and the Rendezvous and Awards Banquet on Saturday evening, January 4th .


Ø      PA Chapter NWTF Rendezvous and Awards Banquet, Executive Committee Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting scheduled for January 9-11, 2004, at the Ramada Inn in State College.


Ø      Pennsylvania Chapter NWTF supports and participates in the following NWTF outreach partnerships:


National Shooting Sports Foundation


US Sportsmen’s Alliance


Hunting Heritage


National 4H Shooting Sports Program


Wheelin’ Sportsmen


WITO - Women In The Outdoors program


          JAKES Program – Juniors Acquiring Knowledge Ethics and sportsmanship


          Wild About Turkeys Education Boxes


          Conservation Seed Program


          Project Help – Habitat Enhancement land Program


          Wild Turkey Woodlands


          Operation Appleseed


          Energy for Wildlife – partnerships with Energy Companies


Talking Turkey – “Turkey Call” Television, “Turkey Country” television show, “Turkey Call Magazine”, “The Caller”, “Women In The Outdoors Magazine”, “JAKES Magazine”, News From The Roost – news releases, and the NWTF web site:


Wild Turkey Center and Museum,  NWTF Headquarters, Edgefield, S.C.

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2003 Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
Last modified: November 20, 2003