Should Turkey Hunters Support a Turkey Hunting License?
• The turkey population
peaked above 400,000 in 2001; now it is around 340,000, which is
still around the 344,000 statewide average from 1998–2003.
• When it comes to
turkey hunting, we are in the “good old days” — but those times may
not always be here.
• With more than
290,000 estimated turkey hunters and relatively little work
dedicated specifically to research and management of the wild turkey
resource and turkey hunters, these
“good old days”
could quickly become a thing of the past.
• We need to act now to
assure that turkey numbers remain high for the future.
• A steady source of
funding for the management plan will allow the Game Commission to
manage wild turkeys and turkey hunting more efficiently and
• The Game Commission’s current wild turkey management plan, which specifies how the Game Commission is to manage wild turkeys through the year 2005, has not been fully implemented because of a lack of adequate funding. The revised management plan, which will be approved in 2005, will be a 10-year plan, 2005–2015.
How Will
a Turkey Hunting License Help?
• Improved and
more detailed information on wild turkey harvests will become
• Better
research data to provide the information biologists need to make
management decisions.
• Leg banding
and radio telemetry studies will provide better research data and
information to the Game Commission for their needs to make
management decisions.
• More
habitat improvement projects helping to increase turkey populations
and improve all wildlife habitats.
• Turkey
hunter safety material will be provided directly to turkey hunters.
Turkey hunting safety could be improved.
• Better law
enforcement aimed specifically at wild turkey violations.
• Determine
how many turkey hunters there are in Pennsylvania, allowing
biologists to make turkey management decision recommendations based
on factual turkey hunter density numbers,
not on estimates.
• Turkey
hunter opinions and satisfaction levels will be acquired more
efficiently because the Game Commission will be able to contact
turkey hunters directly.
• The Game Commission’s turkey management plan will be more fully funded and more successful.
How Will
the Turkey Hunter Benefit?
• This license
will help ensure the future of the hunting you enjoy.
• Funds will
provide turkey hunters with specific turkey hunting and turkey
biology information, turkey hunting safety and ethics material
• Turkey
hunter surveys will give you the ability to express your concerns
and opinions about turkey management in Pennsylvania.
Additional funds could be used for purchasing more game lands,
providing additional public lands to hunt.
• Habitat
enhancement projects on state and federal lands will attract turkeys
to these lands, providing additional hunting opportunities.
• Better
research data and hunting information about our turkey populations
could result in expanded hunting opportunities in the future.
Our wild turkey resource is a valuable asset to Pennsylvania. We have managed the resource for nearly a century using the most basic information available to biologists. In the 21st century, it is time to manage wild turkeys with the best available research and data. A turkey hunting license would be able to fund additional wild turkey research, improve methods to provide better wild turkey management data, provide turkey hunter information, and ensure a bright future for these great birds in Pennsylvania.
For further information on wild turkey management look on: www.panwtf.com