NWTF Wheelin'
Sportsmen Event - August 9, 2003
Pennsylvania Chapter NWTF in conjunction with Allegheny Plateau and Chesquehanna Spurs Local Chapters are planning to host a Wheelin' Sportsmen Event on Saturday, August 9.
Location : Gallitzin Sportsmen's Club, Gallitzin, PA, Cambria County
Events: Shotgunning [Skeet], 22 Rifle, Archery with Crossbows
Event Registration begins at 8:30 am, events start at 9 am.
This event is offered at no cost for participants. Deadline for registration is July 26, 2003.
For registration forms and contact information call: Curt Rager - 814-472-5609; Gary Huff - 724-946-2350; Carl Mowry - 724-285-5124; Jim Panaro - 814-344-6632
NWTF Wheelin' Sportsmen Mission Statement: Wheelin' Sportsmen is dedicated to providing all people with disabilities the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors.
Date of Birth:
Special Needs or Requirements:
Emergency Contact:
Emergency Phone:
Return Registration Form to: Gary Huff, 217 High Street, New Wilmington, PA 16142