As a turkey hunter I am greatly concerned about the new proposed
orange regulations requiring additional blaze orange to be worn while
archery and fall turkey hunting. Pennsylvania is the only state
that requires turkey hunters to wear or display orange in the spring and one
of a handful with such requirements for fall hunting, where it overlaps with
deer hunting. When regulations
requiring orange were originally proposed, Pennsylvania turkey hunters
opposed the action. However,
turkey hunters compromised and accepted the current regulations though they
were very unpopular. Today Pennsylvania archery and turkey
hunters have enough orange regulated for safety during spring and fall
hunting seasons. We do not need or want additional orange
requirements regulated for our hunting seasons.
This letter is to inform you that I am not in favor of any new or additional
blaze orange regulations for archery and turkey hunting.
Please cast your vote for hunters, sportsmen and sportswomen of
Pennsylvania, and not just for the simplicity of the PGC Bureau of Law