* Pennsylvania State Chapter Board of Directors Meeting: Saturday, June 7, 2003 at Moshannon State Forest Office S. B. Elliott Park. The Executive Committee Meeting: Friday, June 6, 2003 in Clearfield County.
* State Chapter JAKES Hunt-of-a-Lifetime was held on May 1 - 3, 2003 at Pine Lodge in Tioga County. The hosting chapter was the Armenia Spurs.
* State Chapter Women in the Outdoor Event on March 28 - 30, 2003 at Frank T. Soles, YMCA Camp in Somerset County. There were over 100 women who participated in the weekend event. This event was currently the largest event in Pennsylvania.
* Reported 42 chapters requested seeds for this spring. This is up from last year where we had 28 chapters participating in the seed program.
* Wheelin' Sportsmen Event to be held on August 9, 2003 at Gallitzin Sportsmen's Club (Cambria County, Gallitzin, Pennsylvania). The Wheelin' Sportsmen is dedicated to providing all people with disabilities the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. This event is offered at no cost for participants.
* Voted to attend the Elk Expo at the Elk County Fairgrounds on September 27 - 28, 1003.
* Voted to continue involvement with the Pennsylvania Sportsman Coalition.
* Donated $500.00 toward Hunters Sharing the Harvest for the year 2003 - 2004.
* Pennsylvania State Board of Directors Meeting: Saturday, August 2, 2003 at Ramada Inn, State College, Pennsylvania. Executive Committee Meeting: Friday, August 1, 2003 at Ramada Inn at State College, Pennsylvania.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter President's Meeting held on Sunday, August 3, 2003 at Ramada Inn in State College, Pennsylvania.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter opposed the merger of the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (Resolution #15).
* Pennsylvania State Chapter President will write letters to all Pennsylvania chapters regarding the Hunter Orange issue with the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Pennsylvania State Chapters position on this matter. The letters will contain a place for a signature of those against the Hunter Orange issue, which will be sent back to the Pennsylvania State Chapter. The Pennsylvania State Chapter will then send the names to the Pennsylvania Game Commission.
* Reviewed two bills HB 808 and HB 1205 regarding Sunday Hunting.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter Board of Directors Meeting: Saturday, October 4, 2003 at Moshannon State District Office at S.B. Elliott State Park. Executive Board meeting: Friday, October 3, 2003 in Clearfield County.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter received 3,000 petition names back on Opposition to Increased Hunter Orange for turkey hunting. They were then sent to the Pennsylvania Game Commission for their meeting to be held on Monday, October 6 and Tuesday, October 7, 2003. Pennsylvania State Chapter will have comments at this meeting. Pennsylvania State Chapter to publicize the Hunter Orange issue on the AP Wire Service and Sports Afield. POWA writers were impressed at the Pennsylvania State Chapter Boards efforts on the Hunter Orange issue.
PA Chapter NWTF 2004 Events for the Year
* Pennsylvania State Chapter NWTF Annual Rendezvous and Awards Banquet to be held on January 10, 2004 at the Ramada Inn at State College.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter Board of Directors meeting: Sunday, January 11, 2004 at the Ramada Inn in State College. Executive Board meeting: Friday, January 9, 2004 at the Ramada Inn in State College.
* Presented testimony to PGC Board of Commissioner's at the January Commissioner Meeting, copy on the web site.
* Introduced National Wild Turkey Federation Wheelin' Sportsman Regional Event Coordinator.
* Will hold their annual Women in the Outdoors Event on March 26 - 28, 2004 at Frank T. Soles, YMCA Camp in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
* Renewed their dues with POWA at a charge of $100.00.
* Pledged $1,000.00 to help with the NWTF gobbling study research project.
* Voted to participate in the PGC Digest of Hunting and Trapping Regulations publication by designing a full page of information about the State Chapter including a membership application. Also, check out section on Wild Turkey - Population and Harvest Trends.
* Pledged $1,500.00 to the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsman Club for dues as a voting member with a membership over 1,000. We will have the right to vote at both the spring and fall conventions.
* Pledged $100.00 to the Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association for dues.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter Board of Directors Meeting: Sunday, March 14, 2004 at S.B. Elliott State Park office, Moshannon State Forest District #9, Clearfield, Pennsylvania.
* Voted to authorize wildlife artist Melissa Ball to paint the 30th Anniversary Print and to work out the artwork details for the Turkey Box Calls on a limited edition print and box call series.
* Voted to authorizes an official position statement stating we are opposed to any merger between PA Game Commission and PA Fish and Boat Commission.
* Voted to work on a shared cost arrangement with PGC to reproduce Bob Sopchick poster, "Adult and Juvenile Gobbler and Hen" for distribution to various events and chapters.
* Voted to renewed its annual $150 membership in POWA.
* Was represented at PFSC Convention by delegate Don Heckman. Pennsylvania State Chapter is the first state-wide conservation organization to join the PFSC, and to have a voice in hunting decisions.
* For the PFSC Convention the Pennsylvania State Chapter voted to:
* Support PA Predator Hunters opposition to wearing increased amount of fluorescent orange, as passed at a previous Commissioner meeting.
* Support the use of crossbows during any season that you are allowed to use a firearm.
* Support the expansion of the Deer Management Assistance Program.
* Support expansion of Bear Season to run concurrent to the 1st week of Deer season in those WMU's recommended by the PGC.
* Allow an expanded Bobcat season in 2C and 2E.
* Support expansion of Sunday Hunting.
* Support the science based management of the Pennsylvania deer herd.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter pledged $1,000.00 Legacy contribution to the National Wild Turkey Federation in memory of Jerry Wunz, Pennsylvania Game Commission Wild Turkey Biologist.
* Voted to support HB 2042 as written with no amendment and passed by the House Game and Fisheries Committee, this is the special additional spring gobbler tag legislation. Article will be published in Turkey Talk.
* Voted to support HB 2325 for PGC to add a spring turkey license and monies generated by used for the current Turkey Management Plan Budget, with excess revenue funds going into the PGC General Fund.
* Presented testimony to PGC Board of Commissioner's at the April Commissioner Meeting, copy on the web site.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter Board of Directors Meeting: Saturday, June 5, 2004 at Moshannon State Forest S. B. Elliott State Park. Executive Committee Meeting: Friday, June 4, 2004 at Clearfield County.
* State Chapter Women in the Outdoors Event was held on March 26-28, 2004 at Frank T. Camp Soles YMCA Camp in Somerset County. We had 146 women participate in the event.
* Moved to support the concept of the Growing Greener II Bond Initiative Proposal, wanting further information on revenue generating and spending objectives.
* Pledged $1,000.00 to YHEC for the 2004 year.
* Contributed 3 Women in the Outdoor memberships and 5 Box Calls to the PGC "Becoming and Outdoor Women's" program.
* Pledged $500.00 to support the Wild Turkey Woodlands Program.
* Met with PGC staff to review state-wide wild turkey management programs and review of wild turkey management plan.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter presented testimony to PGC Board of Commissioner's at the June Commissioner Meeting, copy on the web site.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter Board of Directors Meeting: Saturday, August 7, 2004 at Ramada Inn, State College, Pennsylvania. Executive Committee Meeting: Friday, August 6, 2004 at Ramada Inn, State College, Pennsylvania.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter Local Chapter President's Meeting held on Sunday, August 8, 2004 at the Ramada Inn, State College, Pennsylvania.
* Received 5 trailer loads of corn, 1 load of milo, and 3 loads of winter wheat to be dispersed to the chapters through the Conservation Seed Program.
* Will be supporting the Archery in the Schools Program with a pledge $2,620 per kit. The chapter will purchase 2 kits to be given to schools.
* Pledged up to $1,500.00 for a ½ page Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsman Club safety message in the On Target January 2005 issue.
* Wrote letter from the state chapter in support of HB 2155, increase fishing license costs for PF&BC.
* Met with DCNR staff in September to review wild turkey management programs on State Forests and State Parks and partnership programs for habitat work on forests and parks.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter Board of Directors Meeting: October 9, 2004 at Moshannon State Forest S. B. Elliott Park. Executive Committee Meeting: October 8, 2004 in Clearfield County.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter presented testimony to PGC Board of Commissioner's at the October Commissioner Meeting, copy on the web site.
* Approved the placement of a plaque on the entrance pillars of the Ned Smith Center for our $10,000.00 contribution.
* Sent letter to the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsman's Club in support of asking the Pennsylvania Game Commission to seek legislation to allow Sunday Hunting of Woodchucks.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter will proceed with the 30th Anniversary Membership Drive of "Each One Reach One".
* Pledged $500.00 to help support the 9th National Wild Turkey Symposium to be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan on December 11-14, 2004.
* State Chapter JAKES Hunt-of-a-Lifetime to be held on April 22-23, 2005 in McKean County, Pennsylvania.
* Pledged $5,000 to the Pennsylvania Congressional Sportsman Caucus.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter received the NWTF Diamond Life plaque for their contributions and long history of supporting the NWTF Building Fund.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter Board of Directors Meeting: January 9, 2005 at Ramada Inn, State College, Pennsylvania. Executive Committee Meeting: January 7, 2005 at Ramada Inn, State College, Pennsylvania.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter Rendezvous and Awards Banquet was held on January 8, 2005 at Ramada Inn, State College, Pennsylvania.
* The Pennsylvania Game Commission has developed on their web site a
Wild Turkey site link. Check out the PGC web site, click on Wildlife, click on Wild Turkey.
* Pennsylvania State Chapter NWTF web site for additional information on the activities and events across Pennsylvania,
* National Wild Turkey Federation web site for information about wild turkeys across the United States, Canada, and Mexico,
Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2005
Pennsylvania Chapter- National Wild Turkey Federation
Last modified:
January 10, 2005