NWTF Continues to Support Fight to Defend Hunting |
U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance
801 Kingsmill Parkway, Columbus, OH 43229
Ph. 614/888-4868 Fax 614/888-0326
Website: www.ussportsmen.org E-mail: info@ussportsmen.org
Contact: Beth Ruth (614) 888-4868 ext. 214
Peter Benyola (614) 888-4868 ext. 226
Sept. 20, 2007 |
(Columbus) - The National Wild Turkey Federation has reached a landmark,
having donated more than $1 million to the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and the fight to protect hunting in America.
On Sept. 19, National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) CEO Rob Keck presented a $100,000 check to Bud Pidgeon,
president and CEO of USSA. The contribution makes the NWTF one of the top donors of all time to the nation’s
leading sportsmen’s rights advocacy organization.
“This benchmark speaks volumes about the NWTF and its deep and steadfast commitment to the
defense of outdoor sports,” said Pidgeon. “Its investment in the battle to protect sportsmen’s
rights has paid dividends for hunters from Maine to California.”
The NWTF and USSA have partnered on many projects to promote and protect hunting.
The team, along with the National Shooting Sports Foundation, established the Families Afield
program to eliminate unnecessary hunting age restrictions and ease hunter education mandates for first time hunters.
"Removing youth hunting barriers is one way to help ensure the future of our hunting heritage for generations to come,"
said Rob Keck, CEO of the NWTF. "By fighting for sportsmen's rights, the USSA is making a significant difference
and we're proud to support them."
The NWTF has also fought alongside the USSA to ensure the defeat of ballot issues to ban bear
hunting in Alaska and Maine, defeat legislation to ban dove hunting in California, and vanquish
a bill that would have kicked sportsmen off of the New Jersey Fish and Game Council and replaced
them with environmental and animal rights activists. In Ohio, the two organizations worked to
protect dove hunting at the ballot box.
“The NWTF understands that the anti-hunting threats to dove hunting or bear hunting are the tip of the iceberg,
and if one of those pastimes falls, the turkey hunters will be one of the next in line,” said Pidgeon.
“Its support of the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance demonstrates its commitment to the future of all hunting and
wildlife conservation nationwide.”
The USSA is planning to use the funds on its programs, which defend hunters from antis’ attacks and expose their agendas,
show sportsmen that their rights are at risk, and inspire the next generation in the outdoor heritage.
The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance is a national association of sportsmen and sportsmen’s organizations that
protect the rights of hunters, anglers and trappers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress
and through public education programs. For more information about the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and its work,
call (614) 888-4868 or visit its website, www.ussportsmen.org.
National Wild Turkey Federation CEO Rob Keck (right) presents U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance President
Bud Pidgeon (left) with the NWTF's $100,000 donation. (For a high-resolution photo, contact Beth Ruth,