144 Church Road
Davidsville, PA 15928
September 27, 2007
Executive Director Carl Roe
Commission President Thomas Boop
Pennsylvania Game Commission
2001 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110-9797
Dear Director Roe and President Boop:
Thank you for the opportunity to provide input on programs affecting our wildlife resources and make
suggestions regarding seasons, bag limits and hunting regulations. The Pennsylvania Chapter of the
National Wild Turkey Federation has long supported habitat enhancement, wildlife research and wildlife
law enforcement. We appreciate the work of the Game Commission and its many dedicated employees.
Last October, our chapter asked that the commissioners review the impact of mandatory orange on spring turkey
hunting related shooting incidents. Our chapter review of spring turkey hunting related shooting incident data
indicated that the required wearing of an orange hat while moving did not have the desired affect of reducing the
incident rate. Based on a thorough review of spring incident rates our conclusion was that there has been no
discernable change in those rates since 1993 when spring hunters were first required to wear an orange hat while
moving. Average annual incident rates prior to the orange regulation are virtually the same as average rates
in the fifteen spring seasons since the orange requirement. In short, orange has not changed the situation at all.
The conclusions drawn by our chapter were supported by an internal Game Commission review of the data.
Our members are pleased to note that this issue is on the agenda for the October commission meeting and agree
with the staff recommendation concerning the orange requirement. We trust that you all have reviewed spring incident
information and have reached the same conclusion. Our members overwhelmingly support dropping the mandatory requirement
of orange for spring hunters. Hunters are free to wear orange voluntarily if it is not mandated by regulation.
Mandatory use of orange diminishes the quality of the hunt and has not proven effective. This unpopular regulation has
failed in its mission. It is time to lay it to rest.
We urge the commissioners to take action to change the regulation requiring orange in the spring gobbler season
at this meeting. Action on this regulation change at the October meeting will allow ample time for public comment
on the issue prior to the January commission meeting.
The Pennsylvania Chapter and its members remain committed to safe turkey hunting. Our chapter has been actively
involved in getting the safe hunting message out to turkey hunters through the use of safety articles, billboards
and other methods. This commitment will continue through public service announcements, provision of safety information
and dvds to Hunter Education instructors and through our many members who serve as Hunter Education instructors.
Thank you again for the chance to comment on agency regulations and for all the good things the Game Commission
does for hunters in Pennsylvania. We appreciate the working relationship we have with the Game Commission and its
very professional staff.
Gene Alwine
President, Pennsylvania Chapter-NWTF