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January 21, 2007 Board of Commissioner Meeting Comments
Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Roe, Deputy Director Schmid, Commission President Boop, Commissioners: Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments and recommendations regarding changes to seasons and bag limits affecting wild turkeys. The public comment period allows groups such as ours, the Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation to provide input to the regulatory process. Our members support science based wildlife management decisions and strive to submit requests for season and bag limit changes that can be made without negative impact on the resource. At the October Commission meeting our chapter requested that the commissioners and staff explore the possibility of making three minor changes to spring gobbler hunting regulations. None of the changes we suggested for review would have a significant affect on the harvest of wild turkeys or on turkey populations given the timing of the proposed changes. However, the changes would affect the availability of recreational opportunity afforded to hunters and spring hunting quality. The Board of Directors and members of the Pennsylvania Chapter strongly restate their support for extending the spring gobbler season through May 31 annually and expanding hunting hours for the special youth spring gobbler hunting day to include all day hunting. In addition we restate our support for eliminating the mandatory use of 100 square inches of orange while moving in the spring season. Instead we propose that the use of orange in the spring be voluntary. These suggestions were made in October and we respectfully request that the commissioners discuss and implement these changes for the 2008 spring season. Fall turkey hunting seasons have the potential to impact wild turkey numbers and subsequent spring productivity. The revised Management Plan for Wild Turkeys in Pennsylvania sets criteria for determining fall season lengths. Based on the criteria set forth in the revised plan and on data collected by the Bureau of Wildlife Management the Pennsylvania Chapter supports the reduction of fall season lengths to two weeks in Wildlife Management Units 2A, 2F and 2G. This reduction in season length will allow turkey populations the best chance to rebound from harsh winters a few years ago and poor recruitment in three of the past four years. We appreciate the work involved in the revision of the plan and are pleased to see that the plan is finally near completion (OR are dismayed that the revised plan has yet to be finalized, signed and placed in operation). We look forward to working with the Game Commission to fully implement the revised plan. Our members sincerely appreciate the efforts of the Game Commission and individual commissioners in support of the Mentored Youth Hunting Program. This program has the potential to attract the young people who are so vital to the future of our hunting tradition. Every consideration should be given to expanding the variety of game species for which mentored youth hunters may hunt. Youth should be given ample and varied opportunities to try hunting and become part of this great American tradition. The Pennsylvania Women in the Outdoors Program would like to thank the Game Commission for the continued support of this important outreach program and for renewing their partnership agreement with us. Game Commission personnel continue to assist as instructors at our women’s events and the agency provides handouts for various classes and for participant information packets. Our chapter members and staff appreciate the working relationship we have with the agency and look forward to a continued close association as we work for the conservation of our wildlife resources. |